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Author Topic: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP  (Read 3616 times)


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Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« on: March 02, 2020, 10:44:32 am »
Hi Everyone - have any advice? Thanks in advance!

Nordic Impulse DP: $4395. Plus steps, insulation, lifter, delivery: $4995 + tax.

Should I negotiate this? Seems that this industry is sort of like cars, you have to at least try. What would be a smart/reasonable counter? I like my dealer, so don't want to go for the throat.

I could also take this to another dealer (who will ultimately be my service dealer) to beat, but they haven't been that awesome and started @ $6k on this tub.

What's the best strategy?

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Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« on: March 02, 2020, 10:44:32 am »


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2020, 11:40:20 am »
I haven't seen Nordic pricing in years, so unsure if that is a good price or not.  I'm confused though.  Is the dealer who quoted you the $4395/$4995 not your servicing dealer?  Usually whomever you buy from is the one that does any service work, at least under warranty


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2020, 12:17:32 pm »
Thanks, castletonia .

Maybe I'm wrong. But there is one dealer in town, who did not make me aware they carried the product. Their sales approach has been don't listen, make a recommendation based on budget only, and lead with VERY high pricing. I'm pretty disappointed, as they have not been consultative, at all.

There is another Dealer (2)  about an hour away that did make me aware of the product as a good fit for my needs. They've been GREAT.

Dealer 1, in town, when I realized they sold Nordic, quoted me 25% higher that I was guessing the tubs should be.

Dealer 2, out of town, got back to me with the pricing I've listed above.

So, service and price is better from Dealer 2, but if I have any issues, it's probably going to be Dealer 1 that comes to the property/I buy supplies from, etc.

Does that make more sense? Is it the way it works? I'm a first timer!


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2020, 12:28:22 pm »
Dealer 2 would be your servicing dealer.  Whomever sells the tub is responsible for warranty work.   Dealer 2 pricing is pretty good.  There steps aren't cheap and which cover lift did they quote you on?   


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2020, 01:13:38 pm »
Actually, I realize now it was a cover shelf, not lifter. The steps are $100, ugly plastic. I'll probably skip those for a pretty bench I already own.


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2020, 02:45:37 pm »
Agree with Hottubguy.  Selling dealer is your servicing dealer, at least during the warranty period.  I guess what you need to decide is if dealer 1 is even worth engaging to try and get a better price.  If you are not comfortable with them or trust them with after sale support, then forget they exist and only concentrate on dealer 2.  Ugly plastic steps can easily cost $100 +.  Nordic used to have nice steps, not sure if they still do, but I bet they cost $250-$300.  Nothing wrong with a cover shelf.  If you prefer a lift, CoverMate Freestyle is quality and works on round hot tubs.


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2020, 04:05:28 pm »
Hi Everyone - have any advice? Thanks in advance!

Nordic Impulse DP: $4395. Plus steps, insulation, lifter, delivery: $4995 + tax.

Should I negotiate this? Seems that this industry is sort of like cars, you have to at least try. What would be a smart/reasonable counter? I like my dealer, so don't want to go for the throat.

I could also take this to another dealer (who will ultimately be my service dealer) to beat, but they haven't been that awesome and started @ $6k on this tub.

What's the best strategy?

The best negotiating strategy is to have your checkbook in your hand in the store and simply let them know you are interested in potentially making a purchase today/right now and then either shoot them what you believe to be a fair offer or ask if there is anyway they can save you a few bucks to make it happen right now.

With all the said the price really isn't 'out of line' at all so I wouldn't expect any huge price breaks, but rather maybe a better cover lift option or perhaps a nicer step would be fair...again just my opinion, It's not my place to speak on behalf of other dealers of course.  Great little spa though so I hope you get it, good luck!


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2020, 06:11:29 pm »

With all the said the price really isn't 'out of line' at all so I wouldn't expect any huge price breaks, but rather maybe a better cover lift option or perhaps a nicer step would be fair...again just my opinion, It's not my place to speak on behalf of other dealers of course.  Great little spa though so I hope you get it, good luck!

Thank you BFSMN! That is exactly what I needed to know, if we're in the ballpark with that number. I'll talk to him about the best package for me and dial it in a little more, but not expect another big chunk off. You have been extremely helpful through this and have answered the questions actually posed, I wish I was in MN so I could give you my money! Thank you!


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2020, 08:19:27 pm »
Hey gang! Thanks for your help. I was going to hold off but wound up with a tub. Dealer 1 was aggressive in following up, which I appreciate as a salesperson myself. But, he kept recommending things exactly opposite of what i wanted, his price and friendliness were a little lacking.

I’d already decided to go with dealer 2, but also decided I’d see if I could get by with going to the amazing hot springs for six months before plunking down the cash. I could go there 3 times a week for five years before I spend what I would on a tub. (I’m new to the area so was unsure if the drive would be feasible for frequent use...)

Anywhoo. Then dealer 2 called out of nowhere. “We found your tub! How was the move, how do you like it here? Here’s why it’s a good fit and better than even the warrior XL for you...” And, they came to me with what I call “recession pricing”. So I would up with a SD Denali for $4250 out the door with delivery, steps and lifter!

Love that thing. In it at least 5 times a week. Best decision I ever made other than my first motorcycle.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2020, 03:55:30 am »
@abbydabbydo, I am wondering where you are in Colorado, and whether you are enjoying your Denali! I am looking for exactly the same as you, a soaking tub (preferably round), and also just bought a house! I am in the Boulder area and have not been so happy with the quotes I've gotten locally.

If you see this, would love to hear your thoughts on the 'good' dealer and whether they are willing to drive an hour to service your warranty!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Negotiating on a Nordic Impulse DP
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2020, 03:55:30 am »


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