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Author Topic: Newbie Water and Chem Q's  (Read 2004 times)


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Newbie Water and Chem Q's
« on: September 25, 2004, 10:53:39 am »
My Marquis Quest arrived Tuesday. All was ready for it and it was filled and running and hot by evening. I shocked it once it was filled to where we could start it. This morning, I noticed a brownish ring starting to form at the water line. The shell is a pearl color, so it shows easily. The water is clear, but there is a slight bit of foam, but I think this is mainly from the aeration as the foam dissipates quickly and does not build up and really doesn't form at all when the aeration is off. The spa has the Spa Frog bromine and mineral cartridge system. The dealer said that other than shocking it once a week, I should not need to do or add anything else. The shock is a Marquis branded product that is potassium peroxymonosulfate. Any idea what that is? And by the way, I am using municipal water supply, not well water.


1. Should I be using any "preventative" type products? I've seen "Spa Defender" mentioned on here, but have no idea what it is.

2. How do I keep this ring from forming?

3. What is the best way to clean this ring off? I'm assuming that you can't use any type of cleaner (unless there is something specifically made for this) and that just a clean sponge and water is about all you can use.

4. When it comes time to drain and refill, is there some type of treatment for the shell that might help?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Last, any other Quest owners out there? I'd like to here from ya. I love the thing. I didn't go for the top of the line, biggest baddest mutha in the line-up for several reasons. The Quest just fit me and my needs the best. So far I'm totally happy with my purchase and the dealer has been great!


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Newbie Water and Chem Q's
« on: September 25, 2004, 10:53:39 am »


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Re: Newbie Water and Chem Q's
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2004, 12:44:36 pm »
First of, congratulations and welcome to spatopia!

I have Euphoria and have nothing in my water but the frog cartridges and the shock I put in weekly. Aeration will leave bubbles ("foam") on the top of the tub while running; if they dissapate quickly and without color then you have nothing to worry about as that's normal. Marquis' branded shock is the same as all the other MPS (potassium peroxymonosulfate) shocks out there, pretty standard.

1. I personally believe in the less is more approach. I put nothing "preventative" in my tub. When It comes time to solve any issue I add accordingly.

2. I experienced what seems to be the same ring forming with my tub. I noticed the ring formed after the very first filtration period and again when I added water. I also noted that the "ring" appeared in the ozone jet, where water from the ozonator system enters the tub (now there is a little data for ozone, but that's a different thread). Marquis claimed that it was the result of metal oxidation and 'Metal Gon' would be necessary. To shorten the story, I bought Metal Gon but didn't use it, once I cleaned the ring and shocked the ring went away and hasn't returned.

3. I used a clean cotton rag (made from an ole Tshirt) and rubbed the ring off - no cleaner was necessary.

4. You may want to consider using Metal Gon with each fill - so far I've chosen not to use it and let the shock take care of the "problem"; that means a little more planning and another step for maintenance but I prefer that to adding something otherwise not-needed to the water. I plan my water addition, for keeping the water level correct, on the days I shock.

The Quest is a fabulous tub. Happy tubbing!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2004, 12:46:06 pm by empolgation »


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Re: Newbie Water and Chem Q's
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2004, 04:44:19 pm »
The brown ring seems to form at the initial start up and when you wipe it down it seems not to return....I am unsure as to why......but for the most part shock and the frog should be all you need to have clean clear water....I have found it best to increase the filter times to 4 hours twice a day from the factory settings of twice for 2 hours....I am also a fan of the quest...let us know how you like it.....

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Newbie Water and Chem Q's
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2004, 04:44:19 pm »


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