Brand Specific Forums > Bullfrog Spas
lower smartchlor setting with eos??
So all of the literature says that if you have the EOS system you don't have to use as much chlorine. The frog smartchlor recommended setting on an a7 is a 3. Does that mean if you have the EOS you can set it at a 2 instead so it lasts longer?
Curious if you ever found an answer to this or if you ever experimented yourself? I burned through my first smartchlor on my A8 in 2 weeks. I too have the EOS system and if that allows me to turn the dial down to 3 (currently at 4) that would probably buy me a least another few days in the A8. I definitely can't afford to be burning through cartridges every 2 weeks. Way too expensive! Anyway, just curious what you found out.
How many gallons is your spa?
I have a 300 gal tub and run my smartchlor on 2. I usually get 4-5 weeks out of a chlorine cartridge. I would expect 3 weeks set on 4. If you use the Frog test strips, my experience is the strip says to change your cartridge way before it's needed. Use a reagent test to see where you are on chlorine and PH, when it gets below .5 PPM swap out your cartridge. After about 2 weeks, monitor daily/every other day to catch it before it gets too low.
--- Quote from: cranbiz on February 09, 2022, 08:53:33 am ---How many gallons is your spa?
I have a 300 gal tub and run my smartchlor on 2. I usually get 4-5 weeks out of a chlorine cartridge. I would expect 3 weeks set on 4. If you use the Frog test strips, my experience is the strip says to change your cartridge way before it's needed. Use a reagent test to see where you are on chlorine and PH, when it gets below .5 PPM swap out your cartridge. After about 2 weeks, monitor daily/every other day to catch it before it gets too low.
--- End quote ---
I have a Bullfrog A8 at 511 gallons. Truth be told, I've learned a lot from this forum over the past few weeks. The delivery guys attempted to balance the chemicals after it was filled (but still at 65 degrees) where as now I've learned you're not supposed to balance them until it's up to temp because the saturation point changes based off temperature. I originally started with the frog test strips, and while I'm not color blind, I felt like I could never quite match the colors correctly, so I broke down and ordered one of those Taylor 2006 kits. Once I received that in the mail I tested all the basics and the alkalinity and ph were WAY too high and the calcium was WAY too low (soft water). I don't know, maybe that contributed to the smartchlor cartridge being used up too fast? idk. I have everything balanced perfectly though now and used the Taylor wheel to calculate my saturation point which is about as close to 0.00 as you can get. So maybe now that everything is balanced better the smartchlor cartridge will last longer? I'm hoping so!
I was really curious about this thread though and was hoping maybe having the EOS system installed would allow me to go down to level 3 instead of 4 which would prolong the smartchlor cartridge even more. I like the system, but those cartridges are expensive! If I continue to only get 2 weeks out of a cartridge I might try draining the tub and trying my hand at bromine instead since I can get that off the shelf and it's cheap compared to smartchlor. I have 5 more smartchlor cartridges in reserve so we'll see how it goes for the next few months.
@waterpro ,
What did you ever determine about if you could lower your Smartchlor setting w/ EOS? I'm not sure how all this works yet. I don't have my tub yet. Trying to learn before I get it. :)
What system are you using in your A8? Are there just two options, built in in-line @Ease cartridge system (with two triangle shaped cartridges behind a JetPak, or the floating Frog @Ease dispenser. I've read those Bullfrog specific triangular cartridges are the pricier way to go. They say refills for the floater method is a cheaper route. I have not seen either one actually.
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