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Author Topic: Covers - what features & thickness - valuable vs overkill?  (Read 1870 times)


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Covers - what features & thickness - valuable vs overkill?
« on: June 01, 2020, 06:51:03 pm »
Most covers look the same, or nearly the same... its difficult if not impossible to know which are better quality built and what features are actually useful.

Prices are crazy considering whatever I buy is worth more than my 13 yr old hot tub itself. And to get a replacement spa of the same quality/features would cost $4-5k so that's not happening
... does moving getting 5" to 3" sloped foam top benefit enough to save real money vs 4 to 2" sloped?
... does density really help save $?  1lb vs 1.5lb v 2 make much of a diff other than static load support?
... vapor barriers... is one better than an other, all I see is VPB3000 as anything called out by a few (looks like manufacturer is Ideal)
... a few offer reflective materials over the foam? I highly doubt this has any benefit.

My hot tub is 84x84 w/ only reflective "bubble wrap" on the walls, no foam insulation at all. Denver temps get cold in winter (I run hot tub year round) but not 'ski mountain' cold very often in winter and worst snow is 6-8" only twice a year or so.

thx for the help!
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 10:14:33 am by LivinOne »

Hot Tub Forum

Covers - what features & thickness - valuable vs overkill?
« on: June 01, 2020, 06:51:03 pm »


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