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Author Topic: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse  (Read 5522 times)


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Any one have any thoughts or advice on this?

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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2020, 05:59:26 am »
Both are popular tubs.  Have you wet-tested them both?  Which felt more comfortable to you?

The Bullfrog's jetpack design requires the seats to be molded a bit different (wider and flat surface area for the jetpacks to fit into each seat).    Some people like how the seats feel in a Bullfrog, others don't.

If you are dead set on those models, go wet test them or something else from the A and Limelight series (you don't need to wet-test your specific model, any other tub from that product-tier would be a good test for jet pressure and seating style).   Also remember the dealer is a major part of the equation as they will be your point of contact for all warranty service (and usually the lifespan of the tub if the dealer does their job right).  Be sure to research them online and trust their technicians can do the job right if you ever need their services to fix an issue with your investment.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2020, 07:25:05 pm »
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately they are not doing wet tests due to the Covid crisis here in Boston. At this point I kind of need to wing it that is why I was trying to get people’s feedback.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2020, 09:45:15 pm »
I have not wet tested a hot spring but I did wet test bullfrog last week. I am a first time buyer but I have wet tested a caldera, a marquis, and a coast spa all in the last week. Personally we liked the bullfrog the least. I dont like that most of their models dont have therapy jets for their legs. They have feet ticklers but I would not consider them therapy jets. We really liked the Coast spa and Marquis and ultimately I think we will go with the coast spa but that is more due to features we are looking for.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2020, 09:47:14 pm »
ohh I forgot to mentio. To us it seem like the bullfrog was the loudest and with some of the jetpacks I had issues with the jetpacks make a weird humming noise when I laid back against them.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2020, 04:00:15 pm »
Very Helpful!  Thank you!!!


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2020, 12:58:55 am »
I ordered a bullfrom a7l for several reasons.
1.  every seat in any brand tub is different, angle, height, etc.  Only the bullfrog let's you move the jet packs around so that you can sit in the seat you like the best and experience all of the different jets.
2.  I'm 6ft2 and my wife is 5ft1.  She will always being in the higher seat but again the jetpacks will allow her to have a different massage any time by just swapping them.
3.  The lounger has leg jets.
4.  Liked their cartridge system for chlorine.
5.  The jetpack variety is much broader than the built in jets in most tubs.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2020, 06:15:22 am »
I ordered a bullfrom a7l for several reasons.
1.  every seat in any brand tub is different, angle, height, etc.  Only the bullfrog let's you move the jet packs around so that you can sit in the seat you like the best and experience all of the different jets.
2.  I'm 6ft2 and my wife is 5ft1.  She will always being in the higher seat but again the jetpacks will allow her to have a different massage any time by just swapping them.
3.  The lounger has leg jets.
4.  Liked their cartridge system for chlorine.
5.  The jetpack variety is much broader than the built in jets in most tubs.

There's gotta be a name for that.....you know....spreading the same post across several different threads. What is it? Cross spreading? Seeding? Fertilizing? Help me out here!


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2020, 07:42:41 am »
I ordered a bullfrom a7l for several reasons.
1.  every seat in any brand tub is different, angle, height, etc.  Only the bullfrog let's you move the jet packs around so that you can sit in the seat you like the best and experience all of the different jets.
2.  I'm 6ft2 and my wife is 5ft1.  She will always being in the higher seat but again the jetpacks will allow her to have a different massage any time by just swapping them.
3.  The lounger has leg jets.
4.  Liked their cartridge system for chlorine.
5.  The jetpack variety is much broader than the built in jets in most tubs.

There's gotta be a name for that.....you know....spreading the same post across several different threads. What is it? Cross spreading? Seeding? Fertilizing? Help me out here!



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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2020, 02:03:43 am »
doesn't matter what kind of forum you're on there are always people that have to denegrate other people.  It's no wonder trump got elected.  No one can just be nice in American any longer, everyone has to make themselves seem important by putting down someone else


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2020, 05:16:22 am »
Taking a pretty good shot yourself there.

Did I criticize you unfairly or insult or belittle you? I don't think so.  I merely observed you copying and pasting posting the same message in five different threads and asked for a word to describe that.

Me thinks thou doth protest too much!


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2020, 07:18:40 am »
Trumps fault.......lol


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2020, 10:14:26 am »
doesn't matter what kind of forum you're on there are always people that have to denegrate other people.  It's no wonder trump got elected.  No one can just be nice in American any longer, everyone has to make themselves seem important by putting down someone else

duplicate a post once, fine,
duplicate 2x, weak,
3x, very annoying,
4x, spam,
5x, turkey spam.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2020, 11:54:10 am »
Maybe I missed some backstory, but didn’t the original poster specifically ask about that model?  So why wouldn’t he just copy/paste his thoughts on it?  Is he supposed to change the wording slightly so it’s not the same?  I am not asking this in a confrontational way, I’m genuinely curious. If the original poster said “hey, what do you think about dodge vs Chevy?” And he posted a copy/paste of his thoughts on Mitsubishi that would be weird/spammy, but this seemed fine. I’m probably missing something though.


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Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2020, 01:12:45 pm »
Maybe I missed some backstory, but didn’t the original poster specifically ask about that model?  So why wouldn’t he just copy/paste his thoughts on it?  Is he supposed to change the wording slightly so it’s not the same?  I am not asking this in a confrontational way, I’m genuinely curious. If the original poster said “hey, what do you think about dodge vs Chevy?” And he posted a copy/paste of his thoughts on Mitsubishi that would be weird/spammy, but this seemed fine. I’m probably missing something though.

A certain poster replied with what looks like a legit response. The only problem is if you go to other threads he copy/pasted the exact same response over and over and over...
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Trying to decide between the Bullfrog A7 and the Hotspring Pulse
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2020, 01:12:45 pm »


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