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Darc and Sandy,I have a question for you; if the sales pitch is deceptive then what are we supposed to do, not attack the concept? If the way the product is made is based more on marketing than engineering then we should all question how it is made!1. Any Arctic dealer says that they don't have a problem with the rails breaking or coming loose on the cabinet is not being honest. 2. I can understand the concept and positive perception of "dead air" thermo lock insulation but it makes absolutely no sense to not support the plumbing lines with even a little insulation. 3. Most high-end manufactures stopped make a cabinet with doors that hung on the sidewalls a long time ago because of the possibility of dirt and moisture to collect on top of and the propensity for damage. 4. Long before Arctic spent the money on installing their "forever floor" they should have done some work on the filtration system. I could go on for the next 2 hours on things that I find disturbing in how arctic is made but like wise, being fair I could go on about some of the things I like about them. The problem is that the way they sell makes me want to only point out the problem areas. I would say that over the last 30 years of the spa industries growth there have always been the hard core marketing companies that seem to have the outlook - Make it look good, tell a good story, get the money and run. Cal Spas was one of the first of these and I believe that Arctic and Master are also in this category. I don't say these things as a new kid on the block or a customer that bought into a good story or even someone with a couple years under their belt in some faction of the industry - I say them with the authority of someone that has been around the block and has lived every faction of the spa industry for over 1/3 of my life (and I'm not young).
I know my web site may be a bit simple but then I did put it together myself on my own computer at home .... just wonder how many spa dealers can do that ?
Hot Spring & Sundance .....  Sounds like a film production !to be honest I know very little about these tubs so I can't say which is the best.  What I will say is having looked at the market in the US , the only make that stood out as far as reliability and quality was the Marquis !  and at the end of the day its the tub that the customer is taking home .... not the showroom !To date I have not lost a customer through lack of care ... though I do know others who have !I know my web site may be a bit simple but then I did put it together myself on my own computer at home .... just wonder how many spa dealers can do that ? and how much of their customers money was used to have their sites established ?I feel quite hurt now .... There is  a link from my site to Marquis own site which I think you will find far more entertaining ....  www.marquisspas.com