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Author Topic: alkalinity and PH trouble  (Read 1860 times)


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alkalinity and PH trouble
« on: May 15, 2020, 05:33:43 pm »
I recently got a Costco Aquaterra spa which has been fabulous and is making my family's sheltering at home experience far more pleasant. But I absolutely cannot get both the PH and alkalinity to within the recommended ranges at the same time.

The alkalinity is low and the PH is high. Everything I've read says to adjust alkalinity first, and then adjust PH, but I've done it multiple times and if I get the alkalinity up (using baking soda, gradually, and retesting after circulating), then I have to get the PH back down (using spa down) and by the time the PH is back down in normal ranges, the alkalinity is way too low again!

If I get PH to normal range, alkalinity is about 30 ppm. If I get alkalinity above 80 ppm, the PH is darker than the darkest color on the Taylor tube. I'm using a Taylor liquid test kit.

Thank you in advance for any tips you might have.

Hot Tub Forum

alkalinity and PH trouble
« on: May 15, 2020, 05:33:43 pm »


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