I am sensing that something about this thread rubbed you the wrong way 
naaaaa, it's more like the preverbial straw. When I go to a doctor (has to be either a compound fracture or a bleeding that pumping out :-) ) I know he's got a college degree, plus med school, plus internship..... AND I still get a second opinion. WHY would anyone ask and EXPECT to get medical help on a message board? ESPECIALLY one that's NOT medical related? And yet, they keep coming, and TAKING this "blind" advise. Perhaps the person that responds is a medical doctor with 40 years experience, perhaps their a serial killer possing as a medical expert............. SHOW ME THE SHEEP SKIN AND A COPY OF THEIR MALPRACTICE INSURANCE.
When I was 15 and got my first car, most repairs were done through trial and error..... car wont start? must be the alternater, lets replace it.. hmmmmmm, still wont start....... lets replace the battery cables....... ok, we'll try a new battery........ hey! that worked! what do you mean you can jump start the car and the battery will "charge up?

It's one thing to lean by trail and error on on a car, it's another to to learn on your own body.
Have yyou noticed how I usually leave those alone, or refer them to my FAQ where it says;
"The first thing you should do is see a Doctor. Rashes can be caused by many things from as simple as a reaction to the hot water (dry skin), to a reaction to some chemical you are using, to bacteria. Ultimately self diagnosis will only lengthen the amount of time that you can't enjoy your spa.
Looking at some of these;
Soaking in hot water will dry out your skin and exacerbate any sensitivity you may have already had to dry skin. Putting on lotion after use is the best defense.
Reaction to chemicals. There are many forms of sanitizing methods used for hot tubs. It is not uncommon for someones skin to react to one of these chemicals. Minimizing, or changing, the chemicals you are using could help with a skin reaction. Things like Nature2 and the Natural are additives that allow you minimize sanitizer use (but not eliminate). A comparison, and list, of sanitizing methods can be found here
Finally bacteria growth. If sanitization levels are not kept to the proper levels bacteria can set up shop in your hot tub. This seems to be most common with new spa owners. Either it comes from stagnant water in the pipes after the dealer tested the spa or just because the new spa owner hasn't mastered the art of sanitization yet. The most common bacteria issue is Pseudomonas. It is often confused with bug bites (often complaints are received that a hotel has "bed bugs"), chicken pox, and other types of rashes. It can be, but rarely is, much more serious including severe rashes requiring hospitalization, ear infections, urinary and vaginal infections, and probably most serious is pneumonia.
Rashes tend to appear in areas that are kept wet the longest. Bathing suit lines, underarms, and crotch area. A low immune system, from other things (fighting a cold, lack of sleep, etc) tend to make people more susceptible to contracting the rash. This can confuse diagnosis because people will say "there were 6 people in the spa and I was the only one to get it. It can't be a bacterial problem" As stated above, only a Dr can properly diagnose the cause of your rash."
It may disturb you to know that we are all guilty of trying to diagnose a variety of problems on this (and your) site with limited information. 
naaaaa, it just gets my head shaking and wondering.
In posting the situation, and questions as I did, I wanted to simply get a sense of how likely the woman's claims were.
oops...... I'm sorry, I didn't read it that way. I"m not a doctor, I didn't examin her or culture the "rash", so I really don't know........ but from a laymans point of view? She's either mistaken or been missinformed.
The reason behind everything is she wants to get rid of the tub and would prefer us to take it off her hands. Since I won't be the one making any decision on the customer, anything posted will not affect the outcome.
Well.......... it seems to me that she chose to buy it, has never come to you for advise...... she owns it....... is she aware of eBay

MY APOLOGIES TO ANYONE I may have angered or offended... I'm a wee bit stressed trying to gety ready for the Aqua Show that's comming up.......Usually I just keep my loud mouth shut........... feel free to FLAME ON