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Author Topic: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite  (Read 3377 times)


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Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« on: April 26, 2020, 11:51:22 am »
This is our first spa and after a bit of research I think I've narrowed it down to getting either the Marquis Woodstock Elite or Bullfrog R8L. Both dealers are close to where I live and have great reviews.

Woodstock Elite - We like the seating configuration on paper but our dealer didn't have one in stock to see/test. We did wet test a higher end Marquis and liked the feel of the Spa. Feel like we are getting a decent price based on what I've seen on here ($8k, with the normal stuff like stairs/cover/chemicals/delivery). We are debating on adding microsilk which would be $1,500 additional.

R8L - I like the idea of jetpacks, I know I won't switch them out all the time but I like that I can pick my 4 favorites for the tub. I am wet testing one today (in the A8 series) but was able to dry test already. Pricing is a bit higher $9.5k with same normal stuff. We like that they have a 5 year warranty on parts and labor over Marquis' 3 years.

What do you seasoned experts think? Any advice on one tub over another? Anyone have any first hand experience with microsilk? Our daughter has eczema and I have dry skin, would it really make a difference?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 08:17:58 pm by Mattjm »

Hot Tub Forum

Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« on: April 26, 2020, 11:51:22 am »


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2020, 08:20:22 pm »
Update, after the wet test looks like we are leaning more towards Bullfrog. We are now deciding between R8/R8L or A8/A8L. Can't decide if upgraded is worth $1,500 and if we want to do the lounge.


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2020, 05:51:24 am »
Loungers are a very subjective thing.  I've heard from dealers that 80% of second time hottub buyers do NOT get a lounger in the second tub, but I have never found a true source for that statistic.

Part of the problem with loungers is that every person has a different buoyancy which means some people (usually shorter or those with a higher BMI) may float out of the lounger seat completely!  I spent a lot of time studying loungers in hottubs because I was trying to see if I wanted one in my tiny 3-seater (with only three seats, the lounger takes up half the tub so we better like it). In general it seems most loungers are built for average-height people (5-foot 10 inch for Males I believe), with an average bmi.

Every brand of tubs has a different shape lounger, so it's really beneficial to wet-test a lounger from that brand/tier and ensure you're comfortable and don't float out.   I've heard dealers say if you cannot wet-test a lounger seat, don't buy it because you could end up with a bunch of wasted space in your tub which you never use.

Personally my wife and I love the lounger seat in our tub, it's the first spot I always go to and the one my wife and I fight over constantly.  I'm a guy who likes to recline in a chair normally, so the lounger is just an upgraded version of that (I've even got a fancy gooseneck suction cup phone mount so I can watch TV/Movies with my phone while lounging haha).


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2020, 06:38:27 pm »
$8000 is super cheap for a Woodstock Elite, it should be closer to $11K.  We sell MicroSilk for $2395. The MicroSilk almost always helps with skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema.  I have a co-worker that started soaking in our MicoSilk floor model and his psoriasis almost completely disappeared.


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2020, 10:33:01 pm »
We decided on the A8L, went back and forth on the lounger but figured 95% of the time it'll just be the wife and I so not too worried about the lost space.

I never saw the Woodstock Elite in person (dealer was getting it in on Friday) but after wet testing the Bullfrog jetpacks I don't think I could go with any other spa. I liked the moving jets too much and the slight movement they had in the Marquis I wet tested didn't compare.

We just have to figure out what jetpacks to get now.

For those curious we are in AZ and price was $10k pre-tax including the normal stuff + ozone/at ease. I feel like we got a fair deal and the local dealer seems like they will provide good service if we need any down the road.


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2020, 09:57:51 am »
Congrats. $10K for an A8? That's way better than a fair deal.


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Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2020, 01:46:06 pm »
We decided on the A8L, went back and forth on the lounger but figured 95% of the time it'll just be the wife and I so not too worried about the lost space.

I never saw the Woodstock Elite in person (dealer was getting it in on Friday) but after wet testing the Bullfrog jetpacks I don't think I could go with any other spa. I liked the moving jets too much and the slight movement they had in the Marquis I wet tested didn't compare.

We just have to figure out what jetpacks to get now.

For those curious we are in AZ and price was $10k pre-tax including the normal stuff + ozone/at ease. I feel like we got a fair deal and the local dealer seems like they will provide good service if we need any down the road.

That's an insane deal.  Most dealers sell the R7 for that or more when you factor ozone etc.  The R7 is a lower tier and smaller spa. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Deciding between Bullfrog R8L and Marquis Woodstock Elite
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2020, 01:46:06 pm »


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