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Author Topic: DELIVERY what to expect  (Read 4640 times)


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DELIVERY what to expect
« on: September 22, 2004, 03:25:46 pm »
Well we are expecting the delivery of our Marquis Euphoria on this Friday. I am a little confused on what to expect even after our DEAL!! Sounds like it is short and sweet. They bring it, get it in place, install the lifter/cover, show you a couple things and leave. Does this sound right. We have everything ready electrically and the husband will be right here to hook it right to the panel. I kinda thought they showed you and got started with filling and stuff, maybe I was wrong??? any comments pleezzzzzzzzzz.


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DELIVERY what to expect
« on: September 22, 2004, 03:25:46 pm »


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2004, 03:53:46 pm »
when our tub was delivered. they just came and put it in place and left.  they said to call them when it was filled and connected.  then they came back and went over the operation.  


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2004, 04:36:03 pm »
They came, they postioned, we had electrician hook up, we filled, they installed cover lifter.  Tub was about half full and one of the guys gave us some instructions and suggestions for chems, but I have been reading the manual online for so long I was teaching the husband what each button did before the delivery guy could get a word in.  Think I was a little too anxious?   We were soaking by 10 that night.


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2004, 04:51:15 pm »
I guess it depends on what your dealer offers in this area.  I took care of the fill and startup myself, but I'm a rtfm kinda person.  
Talk to you dealer about a little more personal attention if it's important to you.  


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2004, 05:14:13 pm »
Hi Kay:

First, CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a tub owner!

GOOD dealers usually bring a crew with the tub and place it where you want it (hopefully, they discussed this with you already).

Most dealers will NOT hook it up, because building and national electrical codes would require them to be an electrician with a permit to do so. If your electricity is ALREADY in place and connected (assuming you used an electrician), you should have a remote panel or cut-off switch box within about 10 ft of your tub.  4 wire running through flex conduit from the panel or box should then be hooked up to the control panel system inside the tub following the color coded diagram.  It sounds like your husband is prepared for this.

The dealer should tell you about filling the tub and the initial chemical treatment of the water. He (or she) should also provide you with a "start-up kit" that includes chemicals and instructions. The dealer should discuss daily, weekly and monthly maintenance including sanitation, what to do about cloudy water and how to clean the filters.

The dealer should also instruct you about how everything works, including the control panel, jet adjustments, suction inlets, drains and filtration. He should then assist you in starting to fill the tub.

Generally, the dealer leaves at this point. Allow the tub to fill and hook up your electrical while its filling (DON"T turn it on until the tub is COMPLETELY FILLED). Once filled, turn the tub on.  The dealer should tell you about what the tub will do during initial start up.  Set the clock and other controls after start-up. Make certain you TEST the GFI breaker installed for the tub!

Generally, you can fill a tub with a garden hose in about an hour or less. The tub will come to heat at about 2 degrees per hour, so if the fill water is 75 degrees, it takes 12 to 15 hours to heat to operating temperature.  Follow the start-up stuff and when it's HOT enough, JUMP in and call all your friends!

GOOD dealers will plan a follow-up visit a few days after your tub is running to "check stuff out." They will go over the settings on the control panel, check for leaks and make certain everything is operating OK. They also will do a water chemistry check and provide advice, if needed.

Hope this helps and GOOD LUCK!



P.S.:  Please follow up and tell us how it went!
It's a HOT tub... anything else is just a POOL!


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 08:24:02 pm »
You should expect to be alot more relaxed.  Congrats


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 10:29:20 am »
Our delivery took about 30min. They installed the ozone while it was on truck, then brought it to the spot on the back deck.  That was about it.  We installed our lifter later, we didnt know which one would suit our area best when we ordered.  The del guys didnt tell us anything about chems or water or elec, and by the looks of them, we wouldnt have asked them anything.  Sorry, but thats the truth.  

We went to a "chem class" at our dealer a few days earlier and I already had ordered a box of chems (after researching extensively on what I would need) from Dr Spa.  We have found more intelligent advice here on this forum and also at rhtubs.com than our dealers have given.  I called this week to see if they could test our TDS for us, and they replied that they dont test for that or CYA.  Last time I took a water sample, would you believe he used a LT test strip right in front of me?  I guess he thought there was a vast climetological change in the atmosphere between my backyard and his shop, 9mi away that would drastically affect the accuracy of the drop test kit I was using and the LT strip he used?  I made a decision from that point on to find a better source for water maintenance questions.  Sorry to hijack.

After the del guys left, we wiped out the tub with wet towels, then filled and used Swirlaway for a few hours.  Glad we did cuz the water left in the lines from factory was NASTY.  Then we drained, wiped out tub, glossed tub surface, 303'd the cover, started refill, added Metal Gon, waited 3hrs for MG to work, then rinsed filters, added Spa Defender, waited 1hr, then tested water pH, alk.  Adjusted a bit.  And on our initial fill, I know its probably overkill in most owners minds, but we shocked before getting in the first time just cuz of the gunk we saw from the factory water, it was icky.  From time of del to time of first soak, 15hr had elapsed.  


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2004, 11:27:01 am »
Our tub showed up at 3pm on the back of a pick-up. Following behind was a crane truck and right behind that was the service manager. 35 minutes later the tub was in place. I started filling immediatly. The service manager left shortly after that, the dealer's two tech's stayed behind to connect the ozone, install the cover lift and cover and other nick nacks. The electrician showed up at 3:50 and the tub was connected at 4:10.

That was the play by play on the delivery. Like Calicoskies, I was giddy like a child with a new toy. The service tech's knew everything and then some about the tub, but in truth there was little that they said in the operation that I did not already know from reading ad nauseum the documentation.  


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2004, 12:04:36 pm »
We do things almost exactly as Drewski stated with the exception of a couple of things. We do water training right on site and add the initial product for the customer. We don't leave until we are sure that everything is running properly. We always suggest to our customers to bring in a water sample in a few days time afterward. This gives them time to come up with a few questions, and gives me an opportunity to compare the test results they are getting at home to what we do in the store. It also allows me to sell them some "impulse" things like sparoma or floating lights.  ;D


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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2004, 12:43:01 pm »
Wow! I must have a great dealer. They did everything Drewski said and more. They delivered, measured to make sure it was square with the house, hooked up the electric (wires were already run in flex to the tub site), set the jumper to heat during use, installed the LCD light, filled the tub, walked me through the starter kit, put on the cover lift, and walked me through the controls. Not only that, it was a cold March day and poured down rain during the entire installation. They also took all their trash.

BTW, the hot tub is a Marquis Euphoria. I hope you enjoy yours as much as we enjoy ours. It's a great tub.

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Re: DELIVERY what to expect
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2004, 12:43:01 pm »


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