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Author Topic: J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?  (Read 2303 times)


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J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?
« on: March 15, 2020, 07:43:23 pm »
I have a j-235 hot tub when I'm sitting in it it will not hold temperature. (I usually have it set at 104). The outside temp is usually around 35 lately when I've been sitting in it. I do understand that I can only have one pump running to keep the heater running. But even then it will drop approximately 4 degrees in an hr. I have it setup on the 50 amp circuit. My question is should it hold 104 with one pump running with the outside temp around 35? Will the heater BTU's increase if I increase to a 60 amp circuit?

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J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?
« on: March 15, 2020, 07:43:23 pm »


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Re: J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2020, 01:12:46 pm »
The BTU's will not increase.  It's basically just physics.  Your spa can only heat a certain number of degrees per hour and your spa will lose a certain number of degrees per hour. 

Make sure, if you have air controls, they are all closed.  If you can use the spa with only half the cover open, that would help as well.
If you can, turn your temp up to 105 or 106.  You will get a bigger window to be in the temp you enjoy.


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Re: J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2020, 02:30:26 pm »
Does the heat indicator flash when the pump is on high speed? If you have more than 1 pump it will likely cut off the heater when pumps are on high with a 50 amp setting on the jumper pins. Your Jacuzzi J-200 series manual will have the settings. You would need the jumper on the 60 amp setting A 60 amp breaker and #6 -3 wire to run both pumps on high and also have the heater working. The wire has to be able to carry the current safely. Don't change settings if the wire is smaller than #6. Inside of the spa pack cover should have the wiring/circuit board diagram with the Jumper pin settings. 
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 02:54:10 pm by CanadianSpaTech »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: J-235 not holding temp while sitting in it?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2020, 02:30:26 pm »


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