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Author Topic: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa  (Read 8556 times)


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Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« on: March 11, 2020, 07:48:48 pm »
Looking to get the new bullfrog M series. Have been going back and forth between bullfrog and hot springs as those are are two dealers in my area. I was a lot more impressed with the bullfrog dealership and the look of the new M is amazing. Looking on here for a few weeks now I feel like hot springs has a better rep HOWEVER my bullfrog dealer has been around for 80 years (well established) and offer a full lifetime  warranty that includes pretty much everything on the spa that could ever go wrong. That for me is a huge selling point that puts it way ahead.  thoughts should I still go with a hot springs even disputed the amazing warranty?

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Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« on: March 11, 2020, 07:48:48 pm »


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2020, 10:24:54 am »
Looking to get the new bullfrog M series. Have been going back and forth between bullfrog and hot springs as those are are two dealers in my area. I was a lot more impressed with the bullfrog dealership and the look of the new M is amazing. Looking on here for a few weeks now I feel like hot springs has a better rep HOWEVER my bullfrog dealer has been around for 80 years (well established) and offer a full lifetime  warranty that includes pretty much everything on the spa that could ever go wrong. That for me is a huge selling point that puts it way ahead.  thoughts should I still go with a hot springs even disputed the amazing warranty?

Those are 2 good options but "80 years" for the BF dealer? Hot tubs have been around for about 40 years. Maybe they are adding up the years of everyone that works for the dealer and using that number which is kind of hilarious.

You should find out what "lifetime" means on that warranty. It will not be what you are expecting. They could never truly warranty everything for the  life time of the spa and stay in business.
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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2020, 11:37:47 am »
You never mention wet-testing.  Have you wet tested either spa?  Which do you like better.
Be sure to ask he dealers about call out fees - how many years do they give you with your purchase?  The industry standard seems to be 1-3 years free call out fees, my HS dealer gave me five.

Since I bought an HS for my first spa, I'm naturally fanboy lol. But I agree the new M-series from bullfrog is indeed quite a sexy spa. 
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 11:39:44 am by ratchett »


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2020, 12:19:25 pm »
They are a swimming pool company not just hot tub bullfrog is just the brand of hot tub they sell . But I apologize I looked on their website and I was wrong they have been in business over 40 years, that was a gross exaggeration on my part . The warranty is for the lifetime of us- the first owner. As long as we own the spa in our lifetime they will repair. Sorry I posted a link to their warranty description but then read in the rules that maybe I shouldn’t have done that so I’m just copying and pasting what it says about the warranty: 

  “LIFETIME WARRANTY is for the customer’s lifetime. This is not a limited lifetime warranty. This warranty last for as long as you own your spa. YOUR LIFETIME!
That’s how confident we are that we have the industries BEST hot tub!
Warranty covers the pump(s), heater, control system, leaks from any component or plumbing fitting located beneath
Warranty covers the cabinet corners, door, and side panels. Cabinet sections are warrantied against degradation and cracking.
Warranty specifically covers the jets, any leaks from JetPak jet fittings, and ALL SPA PLUMBING.
[we] will repair or replace any malfunction or defective component on the spa that is covered under the terms of this warranty and was purchased from us.”

Tested both brands (not the M series specifically because they just got that one in 2 days ago) and actually like the bullfrog the best I like the JetPaks customizing and the look he most for sure. It’s felt like lots of people aren’t super positive about bullfrog on these forums...
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 01:29:39 pm by Tplatty »


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2020, 12:21:17 pm »
Call out fee like a fee to come service the spa? Didn’t think about that.. thanks I will ask. Edit: just called my dealer- no callout/service fees for repairs for our lifetime. This lifetime warranty also is an extra $600.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 12:48:05 pm by Tplatty »


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2020, 02:52:29 pm »
and offer a full lifetime  warranty that includes pretty much everything on the spa that could ever go wrong.

This is interesting.  I've seen some private dealers offer this.  This isn't much of a guarantee.  I'd ask to see the actual legal language of this warranty.  What happens when that dealer changes owners?  Warranty dies most likely.

Or closes?  Warranty dies.

What if you actually need something?  If you don't have records of changing your water every 4 months, are you screwed?

Even the best built hot tubs (as a previous Bullfrog dealer) have failures throughout its life.  Sounds like an idiotic dealer, or a multi-billionaire that has nothing better to do but waste money and profits (looking at Mayor Bloomberg right now.)

Sounds too good to be true... so it probably is

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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2020, 05:01:06 pm »
They are a swimming pool company not just hot tub bullfrog is just the brand of hot tub they sell . But I apologize I looked on their website and I was wrong they have been in business over 40 years, that was a gross exaggeration on my part . The warranty is for the lifetime of us- the first owner. As long as we own the spa in our lifetime they will repair. Sorry I posted a link to their warranty description but then read in the rules that maybe I shouldn’t have done that so I’m just copying and pasting what it says about the warranty: 

  “LIFETIME WARRANTY is for the customer’s lifetime. This is not a limited lifetime warranty. This warranty last for as long as you own your spa. YOUR LIFETIME!
That’s how confident we are that we have the industries BEST hot tub!
Warranty covers the pump(s), heater, control system, leaks from any component or plumbing fitting located beneath
Warranty covers the cabinet corners, door, and side panels. Cabinet sections are warrantied against degradation and cracking.
Warranty specifically covers the jets, any leaks from JetPak jet fittings, and ALL SPA PLUMBING.
[we] will repair or replace any malfunction or defective component on the spa that is covered under the terms of this warranty and was purchased from us.”

Tested both brands (not the M series specifically because they just got that one in 2 days ago) and actually like the bullfrog the best I like the JetPaks customizing and the look he most for sure. It’s felt like lots of people aren’t super positive about bullfrog on these forums...

As d00nut mentioned - I'd look at the language of the warranty in greater depth if I were you. 

To be fair and frank, I'd inquire on warranty but I wouldn't make that the focal point nor a major factor in your decision (not implying you are, just reaffirming what others are alluding to).  And to echo and expand upon an earlier comment - what tub *feels* better?  What tub fits you better?  Performance is what you're buying.  Make that the deciding factor.  Dealers are very important but never over the comfort and performance of the hot tub.

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2020, 06:14:33 pm »
Is the warranty for your lifetime or his...lol. I've seen dealers offering extended 10 year warranties for $xxx but never lifetime. Is this a manufacturers warranty or only available through his store?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 06:17:00 pm by CanadianSpaTech »


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2020, 12:59:56 pm »
I assume this is the company you are referring to. 

I would love to know what the cost is for a lifetime warranty on a spa.



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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2020, 04:11:30 pm »
Is the warranty for your lifetime or his...lol. I've seen dealers offering extended 10 year warranties for $xxx but never lifetime. Is this a manufacturers warranty or only available through his store?

I don't know 1 single manufacturer that offers extended warranties through the factory on their 'Premium Lines' anyway, I know there are some cheapy spas where you can order them with the 'standard' 1 year or bump it up to a 2 year for example so this would be done through his store....like someone stated I wonder what he's attempting to charge for it? my guess would be in the $995-$1,495 range but either way it's a VERY risky proposition imo...I mean who works out the legalities of it and would it even hold up with a transfer or sale of the business? new ownership? and what is EXACTLY covered? the juice doesn't seem to be worth the squeeze imo considering Bullfrog, Jacuzzi, Marquis, Hot Spring, etc. basically have the same warranty which is the 'peak' of the industry

edit: The M-Series are awesome, just put a M7 on our floor and my M8 and M9 should be here this week, some really cool/new features as far as having NO suction intakes, no filter compartment to take up interior space, cabinets are the best I've ever seen and a few more goodies, love em so far


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2020, 09:42:01 pm »
Buy the Bullfrog.  I was going to be a BF dealer many years back even though I had an option of becoming a Jacuzzi spa dealer at that same time.  I ended up being "pulled back" into my actual career of designing voice systems for major corporations (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobil, Deutsche & British Telecom) so I had to let the opportunity to own the spa reseller go.  I do own a 16 year old Jacuzzi J-370 which I bought from that Jacuzzi dealer prior to him offering me his business on the cheap as he was retiring.  When we finally do move a year from now when our youngest graduates, I will be buying a Bullfrog M7 for the lake property at that time.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 09:48:09 pm by ndabunka »
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2020, 01:16:07 am »
I ordered a bullfrom a7l for several reasons.
1.  every seat in any brand tub is different, angle, height, etc.  Only the bullfrog let's you move the jet packs around so that you can sit in the seat you like the best and experience all of the different jets.
2.  I'm 6ft2 and my wife is 5ft1.  She will always being in the higher seat but again the jetpacks will allow her to have a different massage any time by just swapping them.
3.  Liked their cartridge system for chlorine.
4.  The jetpack variety is much broader than the built in jets in most tubs.


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2020, 05:27:28 pm »
M-Series are beautiful spas...


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2020, 05:39:35 pm »
M-Series are beautiful spas...

Should of rounded those corners a bit more.


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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2020, 06:13:07 pm »
M-Series are beautiful spas...

Should of rounded those corners a bit more.

2.75" radius corners, big push in the industry for 'modern' looks, it's growing on me a little bit but to each their own and they still make all the 'regular' looking models

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Re: Bullfrog M series or hot springs spa
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2020, 06:13:07 pm »


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