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Author Topic: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk  (Read 5176 times)

Sludge Factory

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I finally made it to a dealer today who was very nice and answered all my questions and tried to find a model that fit what I was looking for not just trying to sell me whatever.   My wife and I are looking for therapeutic first and everything else second.  That Marquis Epic was really nice and we loved the hot zone and the huge center jets. 

I can get a leftover 2019 for 11,300 and one floor model for 11,000.   These have the constellation lighting (Forgive me if I misquoted that name)
They also have a new floor model with Micro Silk that my wife seems to like for 12,800.    All these include steps, a cover, some starter chemicals and they recommend the frog system.   The delivery only includes drop off though, I have to get it hooked up and fill it etc.  They will install the cover I believe.  One other thing this dealer is about 45 miles from my house and would charge a travel fee. 

Now the only real local dealer to me is a Watson's and I'm not thrilled with them.  It's more of a used car type buying experience it seems but they carry the Hot Springs Envoy which was nice and have a floor model for 13,299.  They are close and I actually don't know how much they do upon delivery.  I never got that far.  But it comes with the usual stuff like the other for that price.  For $300 more you can have a salt system which I know nothing about. 

Sorry to be long winded but how do these prices sound?  I'm limited to what dealers are around me and this is our first tub so I have no idea if these are high or fair etc.  All opinions are welcome. 

They also had an Artesian Piper Glen but it didn't seem like the therapy was as good as the Epic.   

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Price wise the Marquis is cheap. Even at $12,800 with Microsilk is cheaper then I would be without Microsilk or constellation lights. I am a Caldera dealer as well. While I don’t know what the Envoy goes for I sell the Utopia series Geneva in the same ballpark as what you are getting for prices on the envoy. Assuming the wet test went well with the marquis there is better value in that tub. I don’t think most dealers do electrical hookup or fill tub. What would the call out rate be on a warranty call for the Marquis?  What is it on the Hot Spring?  At least Marquis dealer was upfront about it as I’ve seen stories of customers having no idea when they bought tub that there would be one. Within 20 miles of my store I don’t charge one. When it gets outside that range I do implement fees but like your dealer I’m upfront about it

Sludge Factory

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Price wise the Marquis is cheap. Even at $12,800 with Microsilk is cheaper then I would be without Microsilk or constellation lights. I am a Caldera dealer as well. While I don’t know what the Envoy goes for I sell the Utopia series Geneva in the same ballpark as what you are getting for prices on the envoy. Assuming the wet test went well with the marquis there is better value in that tub. I don’t think most dealers do electrical hookup or fill tub. What would the call out rate be on a warranty call for the Marquis?  What is it on the Hot Spring?  At least Marquis dealer was upfront about it as I’ve seen stories of customers having no idea when they bought tub that there would be one. Within 20 miles of my store I don’t charge one. When it gets outside that range I do implement fees but like your dealer I’m upfront about it

The dealer was very up front.  He said it would depend on actual mileage but wouldn't be over $100.  That would include if I needed warranty work. 
Did anything change on these from 2019 to 20?   I wish there was a dealer closer but I only have so much to work with. 


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No you won’t see any changes on Epic until probably end of 2020

Sludge Factory

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Thank you.  My dealer is closed today so does anyone else know if Marquis includes the electrical box like some makes?


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No electrical box.  Only Hot Spring and Caldera provide them with the spa.

Sludge Factory

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No electrical box.  Only Hot Spring and Caldera provide them with the spa.

Thank you.


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That’s really low pricing on the Epic.  It’s a great tub.  Most dealers don’t hook up or fill up the hot tub.  45 miles doesn’t seem like that far away, surely they couldn’t charge much for a travel fee.


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Most dealers don’t hook up or fill up the hot tub.  45 miles doesn’t seem like that far away, surely they couldn’t charge much for a travel fee.

I think this varies greatly by state depending on the laws.   In my state most every dealer offered delivery/install/setup as part of the deal.  My dealer even did the electrical hookup (which is apparently illegal in some other states unless they're a certified electrician).  My dealer's techs setup the tub, hooked up the electrical, filled it up and then went through every page of the manual with me as well as review their recommended maintenance routine.  Honestly it was the most white-glove vip experience I've ever had purchasing an appliance haha.


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You probably should just expect a $100 travel fee for warranty work, 45 miles isn't exactly close so they'll probably charge that full amount but its not too far to be an issue. I'd only really worry about times when the spa is down and you're in a freezing situation if you live in such an area. Just discuss that and try to get answers in writing if they make any specific promises. I might try to get them to waive the travel fee for maybe the first 6 months or something and see if they bite. If in the end you think you're getting a really good deal then just mentally accept that some of that savings is allocated for future travel fees.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Sludge Factory

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Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2020, 12:08:50 pm »
What is your all's opinion on the Micro Silk.  Worth the extra?  Would be in for 12,800 with it.


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Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2020, 12:52:29 pm »
My question to you is do you need it?  I think Microsilk works well and does what it is supposed to do, but unless you have a skin condition, say eczema or psoriasis, then I'm not sure I would spend the money on it.  Marquis probably has done the best job implementing Microsilk and your price on the Epic would be good even if MicroSilk wasn't included.   

Sludge Factory

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Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2020, 03:35:00 pm »
My question to you is do you need it?  I think Microsilk works well and does what it is supposed to do, but unless you have a skin condition, say eczema or psoriasis, then I'm not sure I would spend the money on it.  Marquis probably has done the best job implementing Microsilk and your price on the Epic would be good even if MicroSilk wasn't included.

Well he has a leftover 2019 that is 11,000 without Microsilk.   Seems to be a good price.


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Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2020, 05:28:49 pm »
$11k is a very good price on an Epic.  Anything under $13k without Microsilk I would say is a good price.


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Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2020, 07:18:12 pm »
Most dealers don’t hook up or fill up the hot tub.  45 miles doesn’t seem like that far away, surely they couldn’t charge much for a travel fee.

I think this varies greatly by state depending on the laws.   In my state most every dealer offered delivery/install/setup as part of the deal.  My dealer even did the electrical hookup (which is apparently illegal in some other states unless they're a certified electrician).  My dealer's techs setup the tub, hooked up the electrical, filled it up and then went through every page of the manual with me as well as review their recommended maintenance routine.  Honestly it was the most white-glove vip experience I've ever had purchasing an appliance haha.

Don’t you have a 110 volt tub?  So the electrical hookup was plugging the tub in?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Marquis Epic and Hot Springs Envoy pricing question ...also Micro Silk
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2020, 07:18:12 pm »


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