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I'm not sure I see a major difference between a plastic sheet attached to the bottom and an enclosed base. I believe mine would be more like an enclosed base as it is upturned on the edges (I think). I won't be able to pull a panel and check tonight as I won't be home until well after dark but I'll try to remember to look at it tomorrow after work and let you know. Or maybe a picture is worth a thousand words--I'll post what I see for you.
Taz,Check out the photos athttp://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/brdhd/album?.dir=e8c7Sorry the light wasn't better--I'll try to replace the photos of the 'innards' during the middle-of-the-day light this weekend. Â The pan (and it is indeed a pan) is definitely a hard plastic. Â Sorry to disappoint the metal frame naysayers regarding rivets but there are no rivets--only sheet metal screws. Â No signs of rust yet, though it's only been installed since July. Â The photo which highlights the circ pump shows the rubber motor mounts. Â This is the case for each motor. Â Also, you can get a good look at the "flimsy" panels--certainly properly engineered for the application, IMHO. Â Anyway, I'm happy so I guess that's what counts the most!
Have you lost any of the Stainless escutcheons around the jets? They had some of those coming off at the show.
Did you have people telling you rivets were bad?
Do you have any idea what the little bit of extra foam around the pump unions I see is for? Maybe just some overspray? Then again it might be for vibration……
Last question, when you pull any of the other panels do they have a center support?
OK I lied, more questions, how do you like that alcove seat and which seat is your favorite?