I have been reading this form since I got my new hot tub at the end of July and I have learned a lot from all of you. I had some cloudy water problems and found the solutions here. After the first 2 weeks I empted and started over. Since then its been perfect and my wife and family have enjoyed it every night exept on the weekends when I am on my boat (and I miss it).
Now for the not so good news. I wish I had found this form before I got the tub. Although I can't complain because my son got it for me for Fathers day, I ended up getting a Icon Image 631 6 person, dual pump, 2 motors, 32 jet hot tub from on line

. By reading the reviews of all the differant hot tubs on this form I guess I have my work cut out for me if anything happens in the future. Hopefully I can get through the next year or so because now I have the fever and (like a boat)

you always want to go bigger and better.
I quess my question to all of you dealers(or to anyone who has and Icon Image) is how offten do you hear of problems with these and what type of problems should I prepare for. I am very good at repairing and working hands on and would have no problem working on this if I have to. It would be just getting the right parts.
Im not going to worry about anything now because right now I love it

its working great and I know I could always come here for help

. This is the best thing that has happened to us and I am looking forward to going in in the winter months living here in Southern New England. Dave~