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Author Topic: Sodium Bromide is now BANNED in Canada and it is recommended that all "Salt" sys  (Read 14188 times)


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lol so much bad information here it's quite comical....then again a lot of what Mr Hot Tub Univ. says is good for a few laughs so not surprising

What is it you find comical? please enlighten me

What I find comical about his site is the guy acts like he’s the god of hot tubs. He’s a salesman, nothing more nothing less. Works for him so good for him

Everything he says is geared to sell more of what he sells. Master doesn't offer salt do they?

It's all shilling and fear mongering against competition for a middle of the road manufacture like Master, if they're writing him a check every month good for him but his information at times is completely laughable and completely skewed to follow his own agenda. 

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To the OP

There is 10 times more experience on this board than there is at hot tub university.


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Yeah F that HTU guy what was I thinking... I'm new here and this was my very first post. Can someone please pm me the Offical Sht list so I can become part of the group.


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Yeah F that HTU guy what was I thinking... I'm new here and this was my very first post. Can someone please pm me the Offical Sht list so I can become part of the group.

You seem like a smart guy, you will figure it out.

Master Spa has been deceiving people for years and they still are. That site is nothing more than a Master Spa sales tool.


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"You seem like a smart guy, you will figure it out."

Same thing the wife said to me recently when I asked if it was ok to buy a Procharger for my Harley and put it on our credit card.


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"You seem like a smart guy, you will figure it out."

Same thing the wife said to me recently when I asked if it was ok to buy a Procharger for my Harley and put it on our credit card.

LOL you put a turbocharger on your scooter?


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Master Spa has been deceiving people for years and they still are.

Can you cite some recent examples?


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Go to a spa expo swilly. It’s all deception. Your case is different. You bought from a dealer and from everything you have said it seems like you bought from a very good dealer. Most of the country it’s not like that


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Master Spa has been deceiving people for years and they still are.

Can you cite some recent examples?

I'm just making it up swilly, along with the other professionals on this site. Please stick around for years. We promise not to diss you. Can't make the same promise about MS.


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Master Spa has been deceiving people for years and they still are.

Can you cite some recent examples?

I'm just making it up swilly, along with the other professionals on this site. Please stick around for years. We promise not to diss you. Can't make the same promise about MS.

I'll pencil you in for a "no" then. :)


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I'll pencil you in for a "no" then. :)

It would not make a difference if I went out and found bad reviews for MS (theres tons out there) You have had to much koolaid already.

The Wizard of Spas

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In an attempt to get this conversation back to the topic - I reached out to my chemical supplier (Haviland) and he hadn't heard about this yet.  He noted that bromine and bromides are exclusive imports so he was wondering aloud if that had something to do with it.  I am continuing to do research and reach out.  Has anyone else contacted their chem. reps and gotten any feedback?


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Reached out to Gecko and this was their reply:

Good afternoon,

As per new this regulation in Canada, the in.clear and Bromicharge products will unfortunately no longer be sold in Canada after November 2020.


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" all "Salt" systems be deactivated and removed. "

I have bought an Arctic Spa with SpaBoy - Salt System - it is still Ok to have it and it is chlorine-based one.


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Spa boy is the wireless control system.
What is the electrolysis or "salt" system in your spa...Onzen? and what product are you adding to the water?

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