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Author Topic: Spa Marvel  (Read 6415 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Spa Marvel
« on: October 11, 2019, 11:50:25 pm »
  Any dealers slinging it?   The rep is relentless with follow up, sent me the product to try.    Hit the spa with their purge stuff, refilled and been using it.  Albeit only 5 days now.   Any thoughts or feed back would be great, not a huge believer in the enzyme market, but I will put it through the gauntlet and see what shakes out.

  And FWIW I am still checking in here every once in awhile  ;)

 Thanks, Jim

Hot Tub Forum

Spa Marvel
« on: October 11, 2019, 11:50:25 pm »


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 12:22:51 am »
I brought it on late last year.  They sent me some stuff to try.  I will say, that it helps.  Water feels a touch softer, and it does a pretty darn good job of keeping foam away!  I am on my salt system, so it is in addition too.  I have some customers that swear by the stuff.  To me it's like a cheaper Silk Balance.

I knew the stuff did work, but Silk is serious $$... and I found the Spa Marvel does kind of the same thing at literally half the cost.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2019, 11:53:52 am »
  Thanks for that!  So if they are not salt customers, what are you hooking them up with in regards to any sanitizer?   She says I will not need sanitizer, which I find hard to believe..


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2019, 12:04:57 pm »
She's full of it!  It still needs chlorine or bromine, just like anything else  :-\


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2019, 12:56:38 pm »
  Any dealers slinging it?   The rep is relentless with follow up, sent me the product to try.    Hit the spa with their purge stuff, refilled and been using it.  Albeit only 5 days now.   Any thoughts or feed back would be great, not a huge believer in the enzyme market, but I will put it through the gauntlet and see what shakes out.

  And FWIW I am still checking in here every once in awhile  ;)

 Thanks, Jim

So this explains the big box full of Spa Marvel stuff I just got yesterday out of the blue without ordering it LOL

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2019, 09:10:40 pm »
  From everything I can tell, it is a water conditioner.     Not a bad thing, but at 50 bucks a pop for 3 or 4 moths not so sure. I will say for the short amount of time I have gone in the tub, it's not bad.  My son has really dry skin, and he thought it was nice. Will give it some time and see how it goes.

 I am going to see, how long it can go without sanitizer.  I do have a Nat2 in there, no idea if my ozone is still working, guessing it is as it's only 3 years old. 

   Thanks for the feedback..


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2019, 09:39:54 am »
My tub has been in service for just over a year now and I've been using it since day one. Even though I have no experience in my own tub against which to compare I really like it.

The water does feel soft and it cuts down the use of chemicals.  You still have to sanitize, which I do after every and a periodic shock as well. 

Just talked to a buddy who uses it and really likes it as well.


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2019, 01:08:49 pm »
I also purchased some Spa Marvel. I haven't yet used it...but I will be real soon.
I'll report back to how it works for me.

Nick B
Middleton, MA

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2019, 10:50:56 pm »
 Please do.

     So far it's been okay. Yes you need to add sanitizer, does my skin feel silky smooth?  Not really.  LOL, but then I am a guy that doesn't look at that aspect.    From what I see, it is just another thing that cost money to throw in your spa.  I am using no more or no less chlorine then I had the last 10 years or any other chem or balancer for that matter.  I will give it a few more weeks and see what I get.

  I don't think she will like my final review to the bean counters. 


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2019, 10:56:37 pm »
Please do.

     So far it's been okay. Yes you need to add sanitizer, does my skin feel silky smooth?  Not really.  LOL, but then I am a guy that doesn't look at that aspect.    From what I see, it is just another thing that cost money to throw in your spa.  I am using no more or no less chlorine then I had the last 10 years or any other chem or balancer for that matter.  I will give it a few more weeks and see what I get.

  I don't think she will like my final review to the bean counters.

Try running it with chlorine at around .5. I used it for a year or so in my old Nordic tub. Had good luck with it. Water stayed pretty good. Was at a house I used only on weekends a couple times a month. In that aspect it worked good because I didn’t have to constantly add chlorine


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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2019, 03:31:36 pm »
We've been getting calls from the Spa Marvel rep., but haven't tried the product yet.
But we did have the Bio Ouster people here today and tried a sample.
Anyone out there using this product ?  If so, pro's - con's ?

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2019, 06:03:09 pm »
I have dealers that use it.  They like it from everything I understand.  Most people that I have talked to enjoy it. Same goes for Silk Balance.  Both have name recognition and that is really helpful.  And dealers like it as it is a unique item that they can start a customer on and have that customer needing to come back to them for long-term over-the-counter. 

Not hawking a different product here (and I don't get any $ for it anyways!) but I stopped using it b/c I can get Gentle Spa for a cheaper price and keep people on cheaper sanitization methods (basic mineral systems like N2, or simply chlorine, etc) and add the Gentle Spa and not make it costly nor complicated, but get the silky feeling from the water.  Could be something you could look into in you're walking down that sort of track. 

In reality though, if you like it - whatever it may be - and you can keep the water balanced, then do it.  I tell anyone who buys a spa the second time to stay on whatever sanitizer they use if you're doing ok b/c newer isn't necessarily better.

Nick W

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Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2019, 12:34:43 pm »
I've had a spa for about 4 years now. I hadn't used one for about 30 years because my skin would react to the sanitizer. I read the comment about not having to use sanitizer with Spa Marvel and that is completely untrue. However, I don't have to use nearly as much sanitizer with spa Marvel as my friend does in his tub. He doesn't use spa marvel. If I remember correctly, spamarvel removes the food that bacteria needs to live so the bacteria starve. A little bit of sanitizer is needed (I use my tub a couple times a week and have no problem keeping the reading at 1 ppm free chlorine by adding 1 tsp of dichlor each time I used the tub.)

I suffer from eczema and itch all over if the water is out of balance but I've found that spa marvel helps keep the water in balance and it's easy to use. I put a reminder in my phone to add another bottle and keep the filter clean. Easy peasy. For me, it means I can use my tub when I want and it's really low maintenance. It hasn't aggravated my eczema at all. In fact, my skin is much clearer than before I started using my spa. So, it seems to help my eczema. I also don't have to change the water nearly as often because the tDS never get that high.  I love the stuff. My two cents

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Spa Marvel
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2019, 12:34:43 pm »


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