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Author Topic: Sundance Problem  (Read 4101 times)


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Sundance Problem
« on: December 18, 2019, 09:35:12 pm »
Hello all. I've read many threads here looking for an answer to my question and have finally decided to post.

I recently purchased a house that came with a 2004 Sundance Spa (Optima). No manual was included but I found one online. No information was supplied about the spa other than that repairs were made to it last year. I filled the spa and turned it on at the breaker. The top control panel works (jets come on command, light comes on, etc..) but there was only jibberish on the display. I pried off the panel and found a small frog had crawled underneath and fried itself therefore rendering the jibberish. Yes, I removed the frog but there is still jibberish (though intermittently I've had some clear display; ie: accurate temp display, temp moves up to 104 with pressing temp button, etc..). 

However, I've had problems with getting continuous function from the tub. Twice when I have turned off power (at the breaker) to the tub and left it off for a while before turning back on, the circulation pump runs and the flow switch paddles meet, and the tub heats to a toasty temperature that I presume is 104. Unfortunately, it seems when the tub reaches it set temperature then the circulation pump stops and there is no flow and therefore no further heating and the water gets cold. To remedy this, I've tried turning power on and off at the breaker to reset the spa. However, most of the time when I resupply power to the tub I only hear a clicking noise from the circulation pump. During this time, it does not appear to be running though it sounds like its trying to start (it doesn't have the clean hum I heard when it properly heated on those two prior occasions). I have taken the circulation pump apart and inspected the wet end which was clean and without any debris. There does not appear to be an airlock. Again, when the circulation pump appears to be running smoothly then the flow switch paddles touch and when the circulation pump does not run then the flow switch paddles do not touch.

It appears that the circulation pump is only working intermittently and it seems to be associated with the breaker. Today, the top panel worked briefly and did flash the FLO error. I have tried taking the filter out completely and running the spa without it.

Any thoughts? Should I just replace the circulation pump? Should I spend the $300 for a top panel to start? I hated to spend $300 for the top panel on this mystery tub if many other more expensive repairs would be needed but perhaps that is the best place to start? Reportedly, a new circuit panel was placed last year but I am not sure.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 09:38:21 pm by chattanoogatub »

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Sundance Problem
« on: December 18, 2019, 09:35:12 pm »


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Re: Sundance Problem
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2019, 10:00:37 am »
Isn't the answer kinda obvious?  Your control panel is reading jibberish and you find a frog carcass in there............................unless you or someone you know can fix electrical boards you have to replace the control panel.


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Re: Sundance Problem
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2019, 11:39:49 am »
Isn't the answer kinda obvious?  Your control panel is reading jibberish and you find a frog carcass in there............................unless you or someone you know can fix electrical boards you have to replace the control panel.

The fact that he said their was occasional good info on the display tells me its  worth trying to clean up and check all connections.
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Re: Sundance Problem
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2020, 12:26:28 pm »
Thank you for the replies. So, I installed a new top panel but am still having trouble. When I set and keep the temperature at 104 there appear to be no issues. The circulator pump runs and the spa heats consistently. However, when I drop the set temperature below the max temp then the spa fails to heat. I get a FLO error at that point and I can hear what I think is the circulator pump trying to "kick on." I have the circulator pump set to run 24 hours on the panel. Any thoughts?


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Re: Sundance Problem
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2020, 09:20:50 am »
Is the error flashing FLO and the temperature?
If yes, and the paddles on the flow switch are open, then more than likely you need a new circulation pump

If the error solidly says FLO only, you most likely have a bad flow switch

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance Problem
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2020, 09:20:50 am »


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