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Author Topic: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices  (Read 2694 times)


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New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« on: September 21, 2004, 09:00:40 am »
I'm going to have my first spa in about 1 month.
It is going to be a busy month, and I would like
to prepare for the tub arrival early.

Chemicals seem to be the most confusing aspect of a spa.  I have a whole bunch of questions.  I've done a lot of reading, but still don't know the definite answer.

Bromine or Chlorine?
There are advantages, and disadvantages to each.
I have read many pros/cons for both.  Don't know which
I should really try.

What should I look for in a chemical store?

Are the name brand chemicals that much better than the Walmart specials?

Yesterday I went to my local SpaGuard dealer.
I was impressed after talking with him.
He has a full water test program, free of charge.
He says that SpaGuard is expensive.  But claims that
they are better than most.  (no mine is best claim)

I did not buy my hottub from a local dealer.
I think I should find local support for chemicals, and water testing.  Is this a good thought?  At least until I am more comfortable with managing the chemicals?

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New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« on: September 21, 2004, 09:00:40 am »


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Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 09:23:45 am »
I suggest you check out Vermonter's and Northman's FAQ's at Doc's site.  Also, as discussed in another thread, I suggest you order the Taylor Test Kit and study the booklet that is included.

You just can't go wrong with these tools.

Good luck!
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Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 09:35:56 am »
Bromine or Chlorine?

We had this same question...  It seems that most people use Chlorine on this board (dichlor).  We've only had out tub for about 6 weeks and we are using Bromine.  This is what was recommended by our dealer and so far we are very happy with it.

I have heard the following about Bromine from different sources.

- it was designed for hot water and desolves much slower in hot water.  This allows you to always have some sanitizer present.  It's my understanding that chlorine desolves pretty quickly and that's why you have to put some in after every use.

- pretty much odourless (definitely not that chlorine smell and because we have an ozonator and keep it at around 1ppm there's really no bromine smell either)  I think without an ozonator when you keep it around 3-5ppm you would get a stronger bromine smell but I don't know for sure

- also heard that it is less corrosive over time and better for your plumbing (This is a claim from the Spa Frog web page from King Technology).  Not sure how much truth there is to this

- personally, I also find it easier.  We have a built-in brominator (basket) that I put a couple of bromine tablets in a couple times a week.  We try to keep around 3 in there at all times.

I know that there are likely as many advantages to chlorine but I don't know what they are.   We chose to give Bromine a try as that's what our dealer recommended and we've been happy with it so far.  There are many people on this board that are VERY happy with dichlor too.  I'd say you can't really go wrong with either as long as you've done the appropriate research and understand how to maintain your water with whatever sanitizer you have picked.

Good luck.
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Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2004, 11:15:59 am »
Sorry but I would sell my tub if I had to use Bromine !
It smells awful and drys out your skin !
A little Diclor every day and our tub stays beautiful .... ;)


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Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2004, 07:48:26 am »
I did buy the Taylor kit.

How accurate are the computer programs that the dealers have that they punch all your info into to be told what to add to the tub??

I't really the Bromine vs Chlorine that I am wondering.

It seems more people use chlorine.
But most spa dealers I talked with recommend Bromine.

One dealer said that Bromine tends to be harder on the

I don't know which to pick......


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Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 10:33:55 am »
The easiest system is chlorine using the Vermonter/Northman routines.  It gives you complete control over your sanitation.  With bromine, you set a level with the floater and then have to adjust according to use.  It is my understanding that bromine is more corrosive to the pumps and heater.  Or maybe it is the chlorine in the bromine tabs and the fact that the tabs are constantly dissolving.

My suggestion is to start with chlorine until you get the hang of water chemistry and change after that if you like.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New Spa Owner -- Chemical choices
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 10:33:55 am »


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