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Author Topic: Red Light Blinking  (Read 3694 times)


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Red Light Blinking
« on: November 06, 2019, 06:57:05 pm »
 I am having a red light blinking problem.  I have a 2002 Tiger River Bengal Spa, 230V with subpanel.  This past winter heater stopped working and froze/cracked heater ends and check valve.  Heater is a No-Fault 6000.  I fixed the leaks. Put every thing back together, rewired heater, no heater leaks or check valve leaks.  When I turned on 30 amp and 20 amp breakers the red light blinks and not able to operate jets.  I have 2 tricks to get everything running; # 1 – 30 amp breaker “on”, 20 amp breaker “off” then turned 20 amp breaker “on” and within a minute turn jets “on” and it runs fine, # 2 – 20 and 30 amp breakers “off”, 20 amp breaker turned  “on”, then turned “on” jets, then 30 amp breaker and it runs fine.  Either trick gets everything working (red light “on”, temp set to 102 degrees, jets operating, can operate light).  When I get it running I let it run and automatic shut “off”  (~ 2hrs), green light comes on (temp at 102 degrees), and auto shutoff, red light starts blinking and can not restart jets.  My tricks depend on me monitoring daily not a solution for winter use and/or leaving home for any extended time.  Basically leak fixed but why heater stopped working/red light blinking problem not fixed.  I hate to just start throwing new parts at the problem hoping I really fixed it.  Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hot Tub Forum

Red Light Blinking
« on: November 06, 2019, 06:57:05 pm »


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