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Author Topic: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian  (Read 5697 times)


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PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« on: October 11, 2019, 02:57:40 pm »
We are in the middle of spa shopping and would like to keep it under $6,000.  The problem is we don't have any dealers that sell either of the brands I want within 100-mile radius. PDC doesn't even have a dealer in my state. (FLORIDA).  I am under 5 feet tall which adds to the shopping headache.  I spoke with both companies directly and learned that a 3 person PDC called the Carmel which would run us about 5,600 with free delivery from PA  has seats that may be too deep for me.  The 3 person Island Spa Santa Cruz will run me about 6,500.  I am waiting for a return call from Las Vegas where the sales rep will be measuring the exact seat depth for me.  I love PDC with their very long warrentee as opposed to the short one with Island Spas.   

Here is my question.
Does anyone have experience with either of these spas?  PDC Carmel vs. Island Spa Santa Cruz by Artesian?  If so, could you tell me how strong the jets are and how comfortable they are for 2 people?  What is your honest opinion on the depth of the spas?

Thank you.

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PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« on: October 11, 2019, 02:57:40 pm »


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 08:35:00 pm »
What do you have locally?  Buying direct from factory can get tricky when warranty stuff pops up.


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2019, 09:48:46 am »
The best most tried and true advice you will get is to WET TEST.  Your post screams wet test. 

Even though dealers are a long way it's worth it.  Make it a road trip.  There will be people here who will chime in and what they say will be helpful but that will be trumped by your own feelings after wet testing.


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2019, 04:41:04 pm »
The Island Line has a 3 year upgradeable to 5 for a very minimal cost.  Either way, I wouldn't buy factory direct.  There are plenty of other good manufacturers out there that would have local sales and service.  What happens when you need help on a saturday or sunday?  Stores stock parts and don't usually need to wait for them to ship.  Stores have in-house service instead of the factory having to contract out to some random guy.  Buy local.


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2019, 09:00:09 am »
Locally I have available to purchase from these brands. 
Dream Maker
Hot Springs
American Whirlpool

Any thoughts on these brands is greatly appreciated. 


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2019, 06:23:20 pm »
Top 3 in no particular order would be Bullfrog, Marquis and Hot Springs. Being in Florida Vita and American Whirlpool would be a step down in quality and insulation but that part shouldn’t be a big deal. Others I would probably stay away from

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2019, 01:04:50 pm »
Read the fine print on the PDC warranty:  So long, but see what the payout is.  That is the key.  I used to sell PDC swim spas and while I enjoyed the quality of the product, I disliked how the warranty misled the consumer.  Not saying PDC is a bad company or has a bad product.  Just read the fine print on the warranty. 

It might behoove you to travel outside of your radius to find someone "local" who can:

1.  Have a spa that you can physically see, and sit in, and hopefully wet test.  Make a day (or two) out of it.  $6000+ is a lot of money to invest site-unseen.
2.  Can service your product.  Buying direct tends to mean that you're going to either have to find your own service people (which is not easy and you have zero leverage), or some guy is simply outsourced and he has both you and the manufacturer over a barrel b/c its either him or nobody.
3.  Delivery could be had - and not a drop-off to your driveway. 

These are gigantic aspects that you really need to place front and center in the decision-making process.

Again - Not knocking either brand. I used to sell *both* brands and I think they are of quality.  Just think you need to see if something else is out there that could address these needs for you vs. going off of pure faith.

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.


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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2019, 01:46:02 pm »
Wow!  I just read their warranty.  What a joke.  That alone would cause me to refuse to do business with them.  Totally misleading and dishonest.  It's essentially a prorated parts only warranty with some other questionable verbiage thrown in there.

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Re: PDC vs Island Spas by Artesian
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2019, 01:46:02 pm »


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