New to the forum so please forgive any (unintentional!) breaches of etiquette...
Have lurked as a guest for a while and learnt from you all so thanks for that
Anyway... New to me, but ageing hot tub, all pumps and heater work fine but..
Air blower pump working and blowing but no bubbles

Sounds as if its straining (like a vacuum cleaner when its blocked) and if i disconnect it from the air tube the revs drop to what i assume is the normal level, similarly, if i undo the lid of the 'scent container' and release the pressure there
So, I guess there must be a blockage in the plumbing ? or maybe check valve stuck?
If i blow into one of the air jets, air comes out of another ( so the innards of the manifold must be clear?)
so.... took the plunge (sorry

, sides off and tracing tubes through the foam (but remember i'm new to Hot tubs as well)
Eventually (!) I find the check valve but now i'm confused - please see the schematic and the photo
1 - shouldn't the check valve be on the 'down side' of the protective loop arrangement?
2 - is the check valve the right way round?
3 - looks an untidy arrangement ? a botched previous repair?
4 - would it actually work like this?
If i run the air blower - there is a 'bubbling' and 'gurgling' sound from the check valve area as if that is all full of water
Help! - I don't know what to do now - any advice and suggestions most gratefully received and thanks for getting this far !
cheers - Roger