Hi Everyone,
My wife and I have finally received our first Spa a Dynasty Renaissance ST5000 from 2006 (serial 24858). Yes it's a second hand unit, but for us it's our first real American Spa.

We had a Chineese spa that we got for free, and this sparked the idea of having a real Spa. Now I was able to get my hands on the Dynasty Renaissance for not to much, (around $ 1.200) including delivery and a full 3 month guaranty.

Now getting the spa installed on our electric was a bit of a hassle but once I figured out how the jumpers work it set off pumping and heating. So for the past 3 weeks we have been using the spa and it’s been a delight. I’ve had some serious back issues lately so it’s just been a big joy. Offcourse as newbies we had our first PH and Chlorine issues. But then that was to be expected… but this has all been sorted now.
There are a couple of things that bother me that I know the seller has to sort out under guaranty, he has already committed to getting these issues resolved. (I do have to mention, they sell any kind of spa they can find, so they are not a registered dealer from Dynasty. We don’t have real Dealerships I believe like you have in the US.). Most of the stuff isn’t anything specials small things like replacing some rubber O-Rings and replacing 2 Diverter Valve Caps. The only thing that is a “Big Ticket” for me is the pumps.
When we got the spa up to temperature we discovered that one Waterfall did not work and neither do 2 of the foot massage jets. So the first thoughts were that a slide valve was closed but I can’t find any besides the original 4 that we’re meant to be there as far as I can tell. So the next search was broken diverter valves, also not the issue. Whats next? a bad pump? or maybe a worn out wet end?
Well there I bumped into the big issue, an original pump was replace with a LX LP 300 pump one speed with a 3 HP Wet End and the other pump is a Flo-Master XP2 model 2 speed HP 2.0-.25 pump. After having a through look at the pump I can’t figure out what the wet end is for HP the only number I could find was 912316 (05). So I contacted the seller and he has already agreed with replacing the pumps with the right ones… yeah… did he specify what right ones? No off coarse not…
So this is where I need some help with, I contacted Dynasty via Email about 2 weeks ago but the still have to get back to me. I contacted 2 other companies and they came back with 2 different solutions. Different brand pumps etc.. etc… but not the answer to my original question. So I figured lets ask the community.
The questions are.:
1. Can anybody tell me what the original pumps where for this model and their specifications? If I check
https://dynastypartsxpress.com/shop/spa-by-serial-number.aspx?term=24858#f=&p=1&s= I can't really get any specifications.
2. What are the original Wet End specifications? (I believe they should be 5 HP, but not sure)
3. If you would replace the pumps with what brand type / model would you replace them with?
I would really appreciate your support with this.
Thanks and regards out of the Netherlands!