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Full foam is not quieter in my showroom. A Jacuzzi j-365 is much louder than a c-480 deluxe Iam sitting next to them right now. As far as efficency I removed a Coleman 447 and put a Jacuzzi Premium J-360 (last year) and my electric bill went up. I have also seen leaks in both spas. As a service guy for ten years I have seen leaks in many spas and Coleman is easier to fix (less foam to dig) however most leaks are caused by improper water chemistry eating at the silicone not the plumbing flexing. The majority of the leaks I have seen are at the seal against the shell not at a glued plumbing joint. The biggest down side to a Coleman is not the insullation, or concieved lack thereof it is the seating. If you fit it is the most comfortable spa I have ever been in, if you do not, well than what good is strong jets, a steel frame, thermo barrier insulator, abs pan bottom. In the end wet test, wet test, wet test. Know what you are buying, a good warranty and a local dealer is better than buying a top 5 brand that is to far away from you to service your needs. The consumer does not deal with Coleman or Jacuzzi or Hot springs or Brand X it is with their local dealer who represents the product and deals with all the warranty issues.
Re Full Foam vs ThermopaneIf you like your mice dry roasted it is a great design. Â It might be good for dehydrating meat and fruit, any one for some rodent Jerky? Oh yeah I almost forgot . . .you can keep your towels warm.ps: You folks in sunny Florida might want to ignore some of this rant as us Northern folks just don't have your kind of weather.Regards Zz
I love our kind of northern weather. Nothing like sitting in a tub dead of winter with snow sprinkling down. Â
Do not use Armorall  it has been reported to destroy the stitching on the cover and you will find Black Magic to be very oily which will attact dirt. Â
It is the silicone in Armorall which attracts the dust. Â Not the oils!