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Author Topic: Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions  (Read 2804 times)


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Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« on: June 30, 2019, 06:29:11 pm »
We have three hot tubs at our vacation rentals for several months and our staff is doing a great job maintaining the proper chemical levels for us.  We are using the bromine system and mostly  all our chemicals are coming from Spadepot.com. We keep a bromine dispenser in the water whenever there are no people in the hot tub.  But I have a few questions I need help with:

1. We are having large groups of guests and it seems that all the guests are using the hot tubs. Which is good.   So we are struggling with water clarity.  Our staff adjusts the chems between guests and shocks the water with Oxy-Spa for bromine tubs.  And using a Clear and Sparkle almost every time to clear up cloudiness.  I am changing the filter at least once a month. I keep extras for that purpose.  But we are struggling with the water being cloudy between guests.

2. How can I get the guests to always shower before using the hot tub? I have sign up with hot tub rules and it is there in bold red letters to shower first. But I don't think they do because the water gets cloudy all the time.

3. We use a good shot of the Clear and Sparkle with makes the dissolved solids precipitate out of the water. And we wipe the scum off the edge of the waterline several times after each 15 minute  pump run. That helps and then we leave it alone and sometimes by morning the water is real clear again.
But not always.

4. After about a month the water just won't clear up again so I pump, clean, and refill with clean filter.  I have it down to 3.5 hours including chemical set up.  I don't mind doing it but I thought I would not have to do this until 3-4 months of use.

5. We use 2 ounces of  Oxy-Spa each shock which is after every guest.  Would it help to use more shock? Like double up the amount?  Would it hurt anything.

6. I thought to buy a TDS (total dissolved solids)  meter on Amazon  to check for tds levels because I have read on this forum to change water when the level reaches 1500ppm.  Am I thinking correct? 

thanks folks for any and all help and suggestions and comments.

Hot Tub Forum

Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« on: June 30, 2019, 06:29:11 pm »


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Re: Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2019, 02:55:03 pm »
In our area, the pros tend to drain and refill after each rental.  I know that is a lot of work, but, given the way vacation users use the hot tub, to be fair to the next renters, you kind of have to.

They are not going to shower.  They are going to add sunscreen, lotion, etc.  Typically multiple users for longer times.  And we don't want to talk about the activities.  No way the bromine can keep up.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2019, 01:03:52 am »
thanks hottubdan
Although I probably won't drain and refill after every guest I am draining, cleaning and refilling whenever a large group leaves the tub nasty. 
thanks for  your reply

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2019, 09:13:04 am »
 It sounds like it is too much of a bather load for the amount of bromine in the water.    IE not enough sanitizer.   Looking at the oxy-spa product, it is a non chlorinated shock which you probably know is not a sanitizer? One option is to open the bromine feeders a bit more, but that might get unpleasant for the guest.  2nd option, I would try getting some granular bromine, and have the staff throw some in as soon as the guest leave.  That way you are killing the bacteria quicker and also giving the PPM of bromine a chance to catch up.  Might be worth a try. 


 It's also available in 2oz packets, but that gets a bit more expensive..

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot tub at vacation rentals - water chemistry questions
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2019, 09:13:04 am »


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