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Author Topic: Running costs  (Read 21240 times)


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2019, 06:27:13 pm »
You must have quoted my response prior to me deciding to not engage.  There was literally a 30 second window but alas, too late.

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Re: Running costs
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2019, 06:27:13 pm »


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2019, 06:34:54 pm »
had to pop a bag of popcorn before reading through this bad boy...Master Spa threads are the best! lol


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2019, 09:58:22 pm »
You must have quoted my response prior to me deciding to not engage.  There was literally a 30 second window but alas, too late.
Think i hit it at 29 seconds 😉
Forums are great fun if you dont take it personally . I was a ceramic tiler for 20 years and tiling forums are just as opinionated as are electrician forums etc etc lol.

My opinion of my Master Spa is my opinion based on what i see on a daily basis . It simply works exactly as i have said it does . Unless it suddenly starts to eat the electric which i very much doubt it will then at £50 or $63 a month i would say thats efficient enough for even the most frugal person alive,especially in my climate. My spa will be the same spec as one in your neck of the woods no doubt.

Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date . There are no such complaints here on any of the issues that people in the know and years of experience in the hot tub industry on this forum say they have. Why is that? Give me a reasonable answer to that simple question. Surely if this is a fact that they are noisy , crap cabinets,lousy insulation and cost a fortune to run then why do i not find that here. A Fiat car is just as Fiat here as it is where you are based. I drive a Mercedes diesel sports car and it averages 50 miles plus to the gallon, im sure there is a Bmw or Audi that can do 55miles to the gallon  plus . I wouldnt  rip the crap out of their car manufacturer because i thought mine was superior though 😁.
I might start a Coffin forum i do know quite a bit more on that subject than hot tubs .

In defence of Swilly he is obviously fed up as you do all seem strangely to have the same opinion. In fact it reads and sounds more like you have joined forces to be honest to crush anything Master Spa related . Its like blah blah blah . That is one reason i think the  views on here are so biased and thats why in my opinion it doesnt sound as credible . Its so far one sided it doesnt  make sense .
Fact is my 2019 build Master Spa HL8 performs great and i love it . Im sure other people would too given the correct data so they can make an informed choice.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2019, 10:28:50 pm »

Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .

Over what general time frame?
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2019, 08:06:18 am »
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts. 

My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2019, 09:22:56 am »
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.


I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.

Moreover, I think I have been exceedingly tolerant of the BS that gets passed off as truth about Master. 

How about "Yeah after reading the factual  experience of others I may have to reconsider that they actually are OK energy wise ."

But that's not the response we get is it?  Rather, y'all perpetuate and indeed emphasize the fantasy by lashing out and calling fake.  Keep hanging on kids. It's getting.....no wait.....It is tired.  Move on.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2019, 09:32:33 am »
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts. 

My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.

OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.

Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.



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Re: Running costs
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2019, 09:34:58 am »

Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .

Over what general time frame?

Even if it was since the dawn of humanity, is 18K enough of a sample for you?


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2019, 10:44:06 am »
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.


I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.

Then why do you say tings like this multiple times "As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions.  I'm not discounting your opinion."
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2019, 10:45:21 am »

Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .

Over what general time frame?

Even if it was since the dawn of humanity, is 18K enough of a sample for you?

Thats a sizable number for a dealer, I'm just wondering over what time frame but I can wait for the answer.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2019, 11:07:48 am »
Speak for yourself and allow others have have their own opinions and experiences.


I most certainly do allow others to have their opinions and experiences.

Then why do you say tings like this multiple times "As you say, we are all entitled to our opinions.  I'm not discounting your opinion."

Holy moly!!!!

Do you not understand the difference between an opinion and a factual observation??

This is even worse than I thought.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2019, 01:43:25 pm »
I'm rebutting incorrect and baseless claims with facts. 

My claims aren't baseless. I have seen, soaked in, owned and worked on many, many more master spas than you have.

How many have you owned? When and for how long? What models?


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2019, 02:11:54 pm »

Where i purchased mine from they predominately sell Master and they have so far installed 18367 spas to date .

Over what general time frame?
They started as a small family firm in 2004.
When i had my spa installed on 8th June they had fit 18000. They sell quite a few considering the UK market is tiny compared.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2019, 02:59:30 pm »

OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.

Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.


OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it. It's from someone? (likely a MS salesman or factory guy?)

And calling people names gets you an award for being the only one who is the A** here.

Here in Minnesota they are one of the more in-efficient on the market along with others (should I wait for you to get YOUR dictionary out?)

And I had meter data from 2 of them. 2 that I owned.

Here, this is lazy and throw away.......

MASTER SPA is JUNK, you made a bad choice and come here to try and somehow justify it by telling us how good it is.

Us who have been it this business for 30-40 years, us who have seen hundreds, likely thousands of MS, us who have owned I think i have about 6 of them, us who have repaired them and seen every inch of them. Us who know what kinda a company it REALLY is.

Someone told you the only truth you need to know. MS is an OK tub. Middle of the road, nothing more.

Bill, I posted some pictures here 10-15 years ago of a 7 YO Master Spa I took a sawzall to for disposal. I looked back and can't seem to find the post. I wonder if it was under a different name? I first came here under Tman not Tman122
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 03:26:15 pm by Tman122 »


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2019, 03:24:56 pm »
I love reading these threads, I did a lot of research when looking at buying a hot  tub. I went to arctic spa, sundance, jacuzzi, hotsprings and yes master spas. The only dealer to bad mouth any other brand was the master spa dealer. I was totally taken back by it. Not one other dealer said anything bad about any other brand. Oh and beach comber. I base my purchases on how I feel a brand and their dealers do business. To Swilly if you want to support a brand that has questionable business practices all the power to you. I as a consumer would not support a brand or company that does that. To me it is unethical. I ended up buying a hot springs hot tub and for the most part have been happy. I will be honest we have had a few minor issues with it but the dealer and hot springs have been wonderful to deal with and all concerns have been dealt with and I feel confident that the dealer and hotsprings will do so if any other concerns happen. Will master spas do the same for you. I did notice a lesser build quality in master spas compared to the rest. Fit and finish was just not there. My opinion. I just cannot support a company/ dealer that thinks they can sell a product bad mouthing every other brand. Just my two cents. And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill. I hope that if/when you have problems with your Master Spas that your dealer and Master Spa come to the plate. Hot springs and my dealer have and for me that is the most important thing.

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Re: Running costs
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2019, 03:24:56 pm »


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