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Author Topic: Running costs  (Read 21155 times)


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2019, 03:52:17 pm »
OK lets see your data so I can blow holes in it.

Uhhhh, look at the very first post in this thread.

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Re: Running costs
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2019, 03:52:17 pm »


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2019, 03:53:41 pm »
And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill.

So your Hot Springs spa costs zero to power?  I wish I had discovered that in my research.  I guess that settles it.  The $50/mth it's costing me clearly demonstrates that I have an inefficient spa next to Hot Springs!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 04:03:13 pm by swilly1000 »


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #47 on: June 29, 2019, 05:01:02 pm »

OK listen closely children because this is VERY complicated.

Someone ran an empirical (do we need to stop here for a dictionary, or can I continue?) analysis that proves wrong the lazy-ass throw away baseless claims about Master efficiency, but none of the haters are willing to acknowledge that. Rather they ramp up the lash-back.


I did have to look up a few words on that post but we appreciate you realizing how limited we all are, you truly are magnanimous (what the heck, I already had the dictionary handy).
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Re: Running costs
« Reply #48 on: June 29, 2019, 05:27:30 pm »
And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill.

So your Hot Springs spa costs zero to power?  I wish I had discovered that in my research.  I guess that settles it.  The $50/mth it's costing me clearly demonstrates that I have an inefficient spa next to Hot Springs!

What i am saying is we are on equal billing and my hydro bill has not increased in any significant manner. Why do you need to act like a two year old on an open thread. Whenever someone comes back to you with something positive about another brand you attack them. Yes I have had some minor concerns with our hot tub but the dealer and manufacturer have stepped up to the plate. My spa is energy efficient more than your Master spa and i am aware your spa does have larger pumps but not enough to make that much of a difference. All I hope is when and you will have a problem with your tub that the manufacturer will look after you. From what i have read on other forums good luck with that. The proof on how energy efficient my hot tub is in the equal monthly billing I get from my hydro company would you like me to post them. From a fellow Canadian enjoy your Canada day long weekend. Funny you do not address any other posts from my original response


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #49 on: June 29, 2019, 05:58:19 pm »
I'm not trying to tell everyone that I have the best spa on the forum, just calling out the BS that permeates this place when it comes to Master.   No other brand gets trashed here like Master.  It's uncanny how non receptive the Master haters are.  And it's a losing battle for sure trying to debate with them in an adult manner.   They just reject and dismiss what they don't want to hear.

But in light of all your refusal to acknowledge someone's objective data and concede even a little all that's left to do is to wind you all up by continuing to remind you how stubborn, outdated and closed-minded you are.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #50 on: June 29, 2019, 06:16:46 pm »
What i am saying is we are on equal billing and my hydro bill has not increased in any significant manner.

That's not all what you said.  This is what you said "And my hydro bill has not changed since running the spa, Ontario winter. NO INCREASE in my hydro bill."  You were quite emphatic about the no increase bit.  Now you are back tracking.

Whenever someone comes back to you with something positive about another brand you attack them.

Show me where I did that.  My comments are not about other brands, except occasional praise for Marquis.

From a fellow Canadian enjoy your Canada day long weekend.

You too.

Funny you do not address any other posts from my original response

As tempting as it is to pick apart and rebut every comment people make I have determined that it's more beating my head against a brick wall.  As this thread has so clearly demonstrated people who are set in their ways will just reject and dismiss.  And yes, I do have other interests/things going in my life so posting up and arguing here all day long does get a little tiring.

Also it would be easier to do that if you used paragraphs to more effectively communicate your thoughts. 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 06:20:58 pm by swilly1000 »


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #51 on: June 29, 2019, 06:27:49 pm »
Actually I am not back tracking the last few bills have decreased compared to the same time last year but you will not believe that so no reason to state it. Comments from my wife were I thought the hot tub would increase our hydro bill. Anyways I do not know why I even respond to this stuff. It is very comical to say the least. Have a good one I have wasted enough time today with this.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #52 on: June 29, 2019, 06:29:49 pm »
All you people sound like you should be sitting in your hot tubs instead of arguing over whose tub is better. Clearly Swilly is happy with his purchase. Most other commenters are happy with there purchase. I love my tub. Everybody get soaking!  Only thing for swilly is I hope you are a member 5 years from now. Would like to hear of your experience after 5 years. Enjoy your weekend folks!


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2019, 06:31:54 pm »
Actually I am not back tracking the last few bills have decreased compared to the same time last year but you will not believe that so no reason to state it. Comments from my wife were I thought the hot tub would increase our hydro bill. Anyways I do not know why I even respond to this stuff. It is very comical to say the least. Have a good one I have wasted enough time today with this.

Hope you realize that’s impossible. Even Hot Springs tubs will run you 20-30 per month. My Caldera runs me about 40-50 in the winter. Tough to tell in summer with all the electric stuff I have in my house but can’t imagine it’s more then a few bucks a month


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #54 on: June 29, 2019, 07:32:12 pm »
Well folks the weather today has been like a mini heatwave . 35°C  (please feel free to search Google to verify my weather data 😁).

Anyways the hot tub has been that efficient that my Electric Company has telephoned today to say that they owe me money 😉😆 lol


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #55 on: June 29, 2019, 08:03:25 pm »
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.

Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.

Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.
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Re: Running costs
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2019, 08:22:56 am »
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.

Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.

Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.

And I could care less about fact number 1!!

But having my fact number 3 being called baseless is what I do care about. I hope the posters here understand that Swilly has zero time based experience and most of the pro's here have a ton of time based experience. And we don't bash MS exclusively we bash any brand or poster that thinks they somehow know more or are better than the rest of us based on............well nothing, except their fact number 3.


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2019, 06:24:01 am »
Fact #1: Swilly likes his Master spa and thinks it deserves more respect.

Fact #2: Many pros on this site don't have Master on their list of the best spas to consider.

Fact #3: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Fact #4: Not everyone agrees with Fact #3.

And I could care less about fact number 1!!

But having my fact number 3 being called baseless is what I do care about. I hope the posters here understand that Swilly has zero time based experience and most of the pro's here have a ton of time based experience. And we don't bash MS exclusively we bash any brand or poster that thinks they somehow know more or are better than the rest of us based on............well nothing, except their fact number 3.
Let's also not forget that the entire argument is based off energy efficiency 'data' from someone who's owned a hot tub for exactly 3 weeks... in the summer.
Yet Master supporters are quick to hold this up as hard evidence that Master is just as energy efficient as every other brand, and so quick to dismiss the many pro's who've sold, serviced, and owned hot tubs for decades.  ::)


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2019, 07:11:16 pm »

Let's also not forget that the entire argument is based off energy efficiency 'data' from someone who's owned a hot tub for exactly 3 weeks... in the summer.
Yet Master supporters are quick to hold this up as hard evidence that Master is just as energy efficient as every other brand, and so quick to dismiss the many pro's who've sold, serviced, and owned hot tubs for decades.  ::)

Lets also not forget that this post was NOT an argument when i posted it . You and the so called "pro's" have turned a genuine informative post around real life findings into the usual (pack mentality Master Spa Bullying) we are always right ,your wrong post . You really are a bunch of babies.

You have the audacity to mention the word dismiss yet you are the dismissive one. This forum and the so called pro   element has been used to having their own way for too long and it shows. Your probably the type that will continue to comment and comment because you want to have the last word . I will for you continue to update right through the summer and distant winter to give others the option to read how it performs for themselves .

I for one have never said that Master Spa is better or more efficient than any other Manufacturer. I have said it is not as inefficient as they are made out to be and thats the truth in all this. I have a friend from my childhood who owns a Jacuzzi J335 and his he tells me costs £30 per month to run here in the UK. He admits to just using his 3 to 4 nights a week. I use mine everyday just about so really they are comparable on running costs. But if a newbie asked on here about a choice of Master or Jacuzzi, 99% of the experienced unbiased pro's would say get a jacuzzi as the other one (yeah you dont even like to say the name from the many posts i have read )has no insulation and costs a fortune to run lol.
You can twist the reason and the  data in my orignal post to suit yourselves thats fine by me , but  in doing so you are not being honest with especially the many newbies who come looking for advice. You are just one of a few who admit to being in the business for decades etc . Well as the responses to my post show, you clearly may well be stuck in your ways and so out of date with the modern day to persist in the same old same old long in the tooth attitude.

I look forward  to updating you as time goes on. I hope the likes of Swilly stays too. The forum needs more of a balanced viewpoint than the one sided views it currently has . If you have a tub may i suggest you go get in it and hopefully it relaxes you and helps to alleviate the pent up anger you have for all your Master Spa related issues. 


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Re: Running costs
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2019, 08:55:15 pm »
I'm not going anywhere.  There needs to be a balanced portrayal and the haters just want to hate.

You try and give some real life experience and you get dumped on.  STILL in this now four page thread, no acknowledgement that you may be right that it's not inefficient, just continued rejection and dismissiveness.   

It's absolutely pathetic that no one has said "Yeah that makes sense, maybe I'll reconsider". And that's just about one attribute, being efficiency.

Methinks thou doth protest too much Masterhaters.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 08:56:48 pm by swilly1000 »

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Re: Running costs
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2019, 08:55:15 pm »


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