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Author Topic: FLO issues  (Read 2484 times)


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FLO issues
« on: July 12, 2019, 04:12:41 am »
you probably here this all the time, I am new to the Forum and will look further to any posts regarding similar issues but for now I thought I would post my issues to try and get a quicker response.
I have an old Dimensions one spa Interlude and super built machine but has come up with Flo error.


The Flo message disappears when jets are pushed on (activated for the 30 mins) and it does heat up with correct display showing temp no errors ect, if continued jets through a long time the tub would get hot with no errors but would need to run jets time after time.
When jets stops the Flo message shows and stops heating.
The 24/7 circulation pump does work on bench test but does not kick in when jets stopped. there is a water flow from the small Hot water jet when Main jets are on and continues to get warm if left on.
The Flo switch showed ok with continuity test on bench but can that still be faulty?
New filter installed, Clean water levels good.
Air lock hopefully gone with correct proceedure.
Fuse`s on PCB board all ok. Fuse to circ pump ok and power both sides apart from to the Connection that powers the circ pump. (this power seems to run through a black type connection on pcb board.

i am hoping this is simple problem that has put into shut of mode.

thanks in advance for any information regarding my issue. kev

Hot Tub Forum

FLO issues
« on: July 12, 2019, 04:12:41 am »


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Re: FLO issues
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2019, 07:17:25 pm »
you probably here this all the time, I am new to the Forum and will look further to any posts regarding similar issues but for now I thought I would post my issues to try and get a quicker response.
I have an old Dimensions one spa Interlude and super built machine but has come up with Flo error.


The Flo message disappears when jets are pushed on (activated for the 30 mins) and it does heat up with correct display showing temp no errors ect, if continued jets through a long time the tub would get hot with no errors but would need to run jets time after time.
When jets stops the Flo message shows and stops heating.
The 24/7 circulation pump does work on bench test but does not kick in when jets stopped. there is a water flow from the small Hot water jet when Main jets are on and continues to get warm if left on.
The Flo switch showed ok with continuity test on bench but can that still be faulty?
New filter installed, Clean water levels good.
Air lock hopefully gone with correct proceedure.
Fuse`s on PCB board all ok. Fuse to circ pump ok and power both sides apart from to the Connection that powers the circ pump. (this power seems to run through a black type connection on pcb board.

i am hoping this is simple problem that has put into shut of mode.

thanks in advance for any information regarding my issue. kev

That circ pump seems to have a problem. It won't come on at all?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: FLO issues
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 08:59:02 am »
  With the jets/pump running, check and see if the board is sending 220v to the circ pump.   If it is, then shut the pumps off and see if 220v is then still going to the circ pump with the spa calling for heat.   

    Another trick, take the leads from the circ pump and hook the wires direct to each of the 110v legs coming into the spa.   You don't want to leave them there forever, but that by-passes the board.   If the pump runs, the flow code should go away and the spa should start heating.  Then it's possible there is something else going on with the board or?    If it doesn't run, then I would start with replacing the circ pump and go from there. 

   You should also confirm the topside is not in some kind of hold or goofy economy mode setting.


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Re: FLO issues
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2019, 01:10:29 pm »
Thanks for these tips Guys and looked into this today.
I had removed the circuit board PCB to see if any Visible signs on rear and nothing.

on receiving the reply`s I re installed the PCB and weird direct to power inlet supply and pump was working fine, however there are lots of bubbles coming from the bottom presumed outlet and still coming out and if I can I will put video or picture.

The top port gives a steady flow of water but this never went into heating mode and showed FLC.

The strange thing that now evolved was when I re connected the terminals where they should be and power back on the Circ pump kicked in and is now Heating up with steady flow.

The bottom port is still extracting bubbles but why I have no idea.
I have the other day put a hose to these ports with bleed valve out and pushed through any water , Air.
 but that was the other day.

So for now I can presume its good to go and left on to heat up.

I preciate this is a few years old, But these Machines were definitely made to last and I have learnt a lot just from issues and thanks for these tips as I would have given up.
Notes provided for future issues that any one may have.
If anyone can advise on the Bubbles from bottom port in foot well to clarify what this is doing much appreciated.

Thankyou guys.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: FLO issues
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 01:54:19 pm »
  Well good news I guess?    ;)   

  I am sure there is an ozonator in there?   Find it, then follow the crusty yellow line and see where it goes.   I am thinking the bubbles are probably coming from a mazzi injector of some sort?     I am not sure how D1 does there ozone systems, but they are all similar for the most part. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: FLO issues
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2019, 01:54:19 pm »


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