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Author Topic: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts  (Read 5012 times)


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Hi there, I've been looking at hydrotherapy spas for over a year now. I'm from Montreal in Canada. There are a lot of retailers  around but most of them sells there own house brand which I'm very skeptical about. It's impossible to have review and know the durability/reliability. Most of the place you cannot even wet test... Other than the house brands we have Jaccuzzi, marquis, bullfrog and arctic retailers around. The 2 brands that I'm looking at right now for hydrotherapy are the marquis and bullfrog.

I heard good things about marquis spas and I've had the chance to try a Marquis Hollywood Elite with lounger. I didn't like the lounger as I was floating and the strength of the jet were a bit underwhelming compared to the bullfrog I've tried. The retailer was very kind and informative and had been in the business of repairing spa for over 15 years and selling spas for 4 years. I would have like to try the Marquis Epic as I see a lot of praise on this one but they don't have one on floor as the shop is very small. The Adirondack seat seems very nice and from what I've read not many people are floating in it compared to lounger chair.

Any thoughts on how the hollywood elite compares to the epic? How good are the leg jets? How is jet strength?

Also how many people can you fit comfortably realisticaly? I see 5 place but it's hard for me to picture if everybody's leg will touch from just the picture from the website with nobody inside. If someone can send picture with 5 people in it, I would have a better idea.

I was quoted $14300 CAD (10600 USD) with delivy, cover lifter and steps for it which seem a good price if I compare to the other prices I've seen on this forum. Though if I want microsilk, it's an additional $2300 CAD.

The other model I was looking at is the bullfrog R8. I've wet tested it and the jets are amazing. The only issue I find is there doesn't seem to be anything for legs and feet. So I'm leaning more towards the epic but I'm unable to wet test it... How are the HOT jets comparing to the bullfrog spa jets?

Thanks for your thoughts!


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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2019, 04:35:47 am »
The Epic is an awesome tub. My favorite seat in the Epic is actually sitting beneath the filter area with the 2 geyser jets on the lower and mid/upper back.  Those geyser jets are the strongest jets I have felt from any brand.  You can also sit across from them and get them on the bottom of your feet.

That pricing you have been quoted seems abnormally low. I don’t know of any dealers in the US selling the Epic for $10,600, that’s unheard of.

The Hollywood Elite is a good spa, but a notch down from the Epic.  It has the same pumps with very good jet power.  However, you won’t have the HK40 hot zone jets for the upper shoulders and lower back.


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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2019, 06:54:11 am »
I remember those geyser jets in the Marquis when I was wet-testing and they were great.  I love my Master TS 8.25...It has the same monster jets....but that Marquis was damn good for sure.


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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2019, 08:54:13 pm »
Awesome, thanks a lot for your input!

I will try again the bullfrog this Saturday but I'm leaning a lot toward the epic.

One thing I'm a bit unsure about the Marquis epic are the air trap I see on the picture. There is a lot of snow in my area and I'm afraid snow would get in during the winter. Anyone had issues or suggestions about it?


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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2019, 02:56:25 am »
The air vents? Never heard of snow getting in through these, it would have to get very high.  If for some reason you didn’t want the vents there you could easily get a couple of DuraWood tongue and groove pieces and replace the areas where there are vents, but I don’t think this is necessary.  If it gets warm in the Summer, or if the tub  gets direct sunlight, the vents are important.

Michael Russell

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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2019, 10:33:58 am »
I bought an Epic last November...

Your price is pretty close to what I paid. The dealer I was with was only $1000 for the microsilk. Saying that I think you also have to go to the premium controller which is also another $1000.. So I guess in the end its darn near the same.

The vents will not be an issue. I don't see any issues with the vents.

We have had 7 people (4 kids) in the tub which was way to many. You can very comfortable put 5 adults in the tub though, 6 is not to bad using the louger for two people.

I am very pleased with the tub. I did find the jets a little weaker then I hoped (feel free to look at my previous posts as I have detail it all out). Now that I have had it several months I love it. The two big jets the other poster mentioned are amazing. I use them for the deeper massages...

So far its been a great tub.



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Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2019, 01:21:54 pm »
Thanks a lot for your tips. It really helps me out. I'll probably be ordering one in the following weeks.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Marquis epic compared to hollywood elite + bullfrog R8 thougts
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2019, 01:21:54 pm »


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