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Author Topic: Elite 80  (Read 3824 times)


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Elite 80
« on: September 19, 2004, 06:26:44 pm »
Thinking about purchasing an Elite 80 from SPA DEPOT in Las Vegas.  Total price=$7000 to include delivery, setup, deluxe cover, cover lifter, ozonator, chem start up kit and steps.  Wet tested and liked.  Sundance was too much, Jacuzzi dealer was shady.  I liked the ELite 80, just don't much about them.  Anybody have thoughts?

Hot Tub Forum

Elite 80
« on: September 19, 2004, 06:26:44 pm »


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Re: Elite 80
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2004, 07:27:17 pm »
We tried and liked very much the coleman model 480, setup the same with the same items as you for $6700.00, in the boston area! ;D


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Re: Elite 80
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2004, 08:16:29 pm »
Well here is my #%&* story... I was not going to post this until all was done but you should know about it before dealing with Spa Depot.
Went to the fair to look at spas. We liked the Elite 80 and decided to go with it. BTW my price was $6300.00 out the door with all of the stuff,  I am in CA. I thought and still think it is a good spa.
Told they had the spa I wanted in stock in the Bay Area. I had a *drop dead* delivery date of Sept. 28th which gave them a month but they actually promised install the week of the 20th which was the date I needed.
I was assured this was no problem. I was a bit worried about buying from someone that did not have a local store but I went ahead ignoring that little knot in my stomach.
2 weeks later I called the number on my contract and was told by a woman there named Estrella that she had no record of my sale. The knot got bigger, She did call back to say she found me. I asked to set up the delivery date and was told that, and I quote: "these sales guys over sell these spas. They all work off of the same data base and it is not up to date" Since that is an enternal problem and not mine I asked again about my ETA. Estrella said she would see what truck it was on but that she could in no way assure me a spa by the 28th, never mind the 20th! The next day I called her and was told again about the over selling deal and that my spa was in production so it would be AT LEAST 4-6 weeks from now. Tried to call my sales guy Rick Souza and big surprise his number was disconnected! By now I feel sick what if I wait and 6 weeks turns to 8 etc and lord forbid I have a service issue, too many red flags. I asked to get my deposit back and was told only the owner could approve. I had my husband call the owner and after many calls with excuses: not in, makes his own hours, last message still on his chair, and our favorite and final one , oh he is on vacation, we gave up trying. He has never called us, no one has. Our credit card company will be dealing with it and we are shopping elsewhere locally. It is typical to be told all the things you want to hear so that the sale will go through but if you can't speak face to face with someone if there is an issue you are at a REAL disadvantage IMO. In our case it has been a real disaster!


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Re: Elite 80
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 08:26:29 pm »
good luck getting your deposit back. I had someone from adventure spas call me to set up salesperson appointment in my home, I said "No, I will go to your local store" Again they started all over from the beginning stating that someone was comming to my home. They would not answer any question about local shop. I told them to take me off their list that I wasn't buying from them.  We have about 8 dealers witn a one hour drive, so we have been able to look at many spas. hope everything works out for you.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Elite 80
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 08:26:29 pm »


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