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Author Topic: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference  (Read 3663 times)


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Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« on: September 16, 2004, 08:40:34 pm »
The difference between the Grandee and the Vanguard if $1000.

What is the difference in price between the Vanguard and the Sovereign??

I am trying to put a two tub deal together with another family member and they want the Sovereign, but it is being quoted at a higher price than the Vanguard.

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Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« on: September 16, 2004, 08:40:34 pm »


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 10:15:31 am »
There should be between a $300 and $700 dollar price difference between Sovereign and the Vanguard.  The Vanguard does cost dealers more.  I would only assume the cost of the Vanguard, in your case, is less expensive because maybe you are purchasing a Demo/Floor model unit, where as the Sovereign is not a Demo/Floor model.  I would recommend you to upgrade to the Grandee over the Vanguard.  Also, are you sure your family member is not getting confused over the price difference between the Envoy and the Vanguard?


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 12:59:58 pm »
Why the Grandee over the Vanguard.  

I know that there is an extra corner seat, but it seems like a lot of extra tub.

We don't expect to have a lot of people in the tub, we are a family of 5 with the three kids all 12 and under.

What other reasons do you think give the Grandee the nod?

I think my biggest constraint is the footprint and distance to electrical on my deck (i.e. less than 5 feet)


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2004, 01:44:31 pm »
I just think the Grandee with its extra pump and extra seat is worth the extra $1,000 dollars.  It is my opinion.  You should also consider that your kids will grow.  However, if you are having electrical concerns due to the size of the Grandee than the Vanguard is definitely the way to go.  


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2004, 08:57:26 am »
Hi Tim!  We choose the Vanguard in preference over the Grandee for a couple reasons:

1) Space is a moderate issue - small back yard.  The Grandee would fit but we did not want to go beyond the footprint that would fit our needs.

2) Primary use (we thought) would be two of us at a time.  We have three kids but they range from 14 to 18.  We figured on occasion we might all be in together but it would be rare.  (Trust me, with teen schedules it is indeed rare.)  Also, we are right on the verge of kids moving away for college so they'll be here less & less.  :'(

The Vanguard has no problem with all 5 of us in.  Can you lounge, stretch out, etc?  No, but it seems to work fine.  We've all been in only 2 times in the six weeks we've had it.  80% of the time it's just 2 (my wife & I or one of the kids & I.)  With 2 people the tub feels spacious.  Same with 3 (that happens 1 - 2x per week.)

With the age of your kids, I'd guess you'll have a bigger crew a lot more often; and you have quite a few more years with everyone at home.  You should set up a wet test with you HS dealer for both tubs and take the whole crew.  Spend quite a bit of time in each tub and see if the VG feels too cramped.  This is about the third thread I've seen the "why would anyone buy a VG when. . .)  We absolutely love the Vanguard and it fits us perfectly.  Don't let anyone else push your decision.  Go try both and have fun.  Hey, they are excellent tubs and you will be so pleased when it is right out your back door!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2004, 09:00:32 am by UnderTheStars »


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2004, 10:48:50 pm »

One thing that I find myself wanting is the 2 pumps on the Grandee.

How has your experience been with only the one larger pump?


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2004, 11:54:19 pm »
The one pump has been great for us.  Understand the diverter set-up though.  You can power half the seats at one time.  To use the other half you switch the diverter 180 degrees.

For us it's perfect (almost always just 2 of us in the tub.)  If we almost always had 4 or more then I'd want to be able to power more seats at once.  That said, we just spend 1/2 hour out there and didn't even turn on the jets.  Hot water, conversation, and stars.
Hope that helps!


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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2004, 10:30:16 am »
We were in a similar situation and went with the HS Envoy.  The lounge is great and with the 2 pumps there is almost too much power.

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Re: Vanguard and Sovereign Price Difference
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2004, 10:30:16 am »


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