Well the Downeast Windsor didnt arrive on time, in fact delivery called and said they would be here earlier than planned! Took them 30 minutes to get it off the truck, around back, and onto the concrete pad. They were gone by noon. I started filling right away while awaiting the "crook" (aka future brother in law/electrician). He showed up for dinner, and while the steaks were beign done on the grill, he did the wiring to the tub, and the fiancee and I shared a toast when it clicked on and fired up.
By 10pm it was time for the christening. All I can say is bath tubs never felt this good. We were only in for about 30 minutes, but were jello afterwards. Ive been in it once already this morning. The power is AMAZING, and I adore the reversed molded neck therapy seats. Since we have two, no need to fight over that one seat.
Being dragged off to craft shows today (You got your toy and now time for me to get mine) sheesh, women! ...