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Author Topic: Quick, Help me choose! MicroSilk in Coast Apex Curve Elite or Marquis V94  (Read 3058 times)


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Hello and thank you all for being such a great resource for a first-time purchaser!

We have narrowed our top choices down to the Marquis V94 & Coast Apex Curve Elite. Because I am a giant nerd, I made a spreadsheet to compare features and price: https://imgur.com/a/MttCt9f.

Some notes:
  • We have until tomorrow afternoon to decide, after which the quoted prices may expire/the Marquis tub may be sold to someone else.
  • Both are from local dealers with salespeople we like. The Marquis one is from a Marquis company store and is a 2018 model that they've had since at least December (I suspect it may be a former floor model or damaged in some way for the price to be so low).
  • The Coast would presumably be a 2019 model, but I'm waiting on a call from the salesperson to confirm what they currently have in stock, possibly at reduced price.
  • MicroSilk is not offered normally on the Coast Apex, which the salesperson said is because it takes longer to fill in such a large tub. I am concerned that it may be ineffective in this model.
  • I wet tested both tubs in non-MicroSilk and the Marquis with MicroSilk. I found the Coast Apex to be more comfortable for a person my size (5'5"), and the MicroSilk was nice.
  • The primary reason I want MicroSilk is for eczema treatment. It's hard to say after one soak whether it helped much, but my skin did feel soft and exfoliated immediately after. It returned to its usual rage-filled state by the next day.
  • I generally prefer the features & styling of the Coast tub, but am aware Marquis has a better reputation and is generally considered a better product.

So, wise soakers of the internet, what do you think? Should I jump on the cheap Marquis or take a gamble on the Coast?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 01:21:27 am by LeSigh »

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Really good price on the V94.  I’m more than that without Microsilk.  It’s been 8 years since I’ve sold Coast and 2 years since I left the dealer that I was with at the time.  We didn’t have a ton of Coast Spas in the field but the ones we sold were holding up well. 

Without question Marquis will have better company support.  Coast was more disorganized in my opinion and I’m just not a fan of dealing with Canadian company’s when it comes to order parts.

From a dealer standpoint, I’d choose Marquis because of the expected reliability, support, and the fact that they have the best Microsilk implementation in the industry.  The only way I would choose a less reputable brand over a more reputable brand is if the wet test heavily favored the less reputable brand and the dealer was exceptional.


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Really good price on the V94.  I’m more than that without Microsilk.  It’s been 8 years since I’ve sold Coast and 2 years since I left the dealer that I was with at the time.  We didn’t have a ton of Coast Spas in the field but the ones we sold were holding up well. 

Without question Marquis will have better company support.  Coast was more disorganized in my opinion and I’m just not a fan of dealing with Canadian company’s when it comes to order parts.

From a dealer standpoint, I’d choose Marquis because of the expected reliability, support, and the fact that they have the best Microsilk implementation in the industry.  The only way I would choose a less reputable brand over a more reputable brand is if the wet test heavily favored the less reputable brand and the dealer was exceptional.

Well said.  Exactly my thoughts.  If you like the wet test of a coast better and the dealer is awesome, there's your answer.


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Really good price on the V94.  I’m more than that without Microsilk.  It’s been 8 years since I’ve sold Coast and 2 years since I left the dealer that I was with at the time.  We didn’t have a ton of Coast Spas in the field but the ones we sold were holding up well. 

Without question Marquis will have better company support.  Coast was more disorganized in my opinion and I’m just not a fan of dealing with Canadian company’s when it comes to order parts.

From a dealer standpoint, I’d choose Marquis because of the expected reliability, support, and the fact that they have the best Microsilk implementation in the industry.  The only way I would choose a less reputable brand over a more reputable brand is if the wet test heavily favored the less reputable brand and the dealer was exceptional.

so it should sell for around or over 10K 1 yr cabinet 2 yr on surface and only a 3 year equipment warranty for 10k+Spa?....no thanks! much better value out their imo


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The MicroSilk option is a $2K+ option, that V94 should be closer to $12K+. I would jump on that deal. 2018 and 2019 models are identical. 

The reality with MicroSilk is that it needs to be integrated in the hot tub well.  Most companies just slap it on the tub and don’t really implement it properly, that’s probably why Coast
isnt recommending it on their larger tub, because they can’t get it to work right. Marquis sells more MicroSilk than all of the other companies that offer MicroSilk combined, I think there are 5-6 others that offer it.


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The MicroSilk option is a $2K+ option, that V94 should be closer to $12K+. I would jump on that deal. 2018 and 2019 models are identical. 

The reality with MicroSilk is that it needs to be integrated in the hot tub well.  Most companies just slap it on the tub and don’t really implement it properly, that’s probably why Coast
isnt recommending it on their larger tub, because they can’t get it to work right. Marquis sells more MicroSilk than all of the other companies that offer MicroSilk combined, I think there are 5-6 others that offer it.

We ended up going with the Marquis for exactly those reasons. Coast didn't have a MicroSilk tub to wet test and I just wasn't confident the implementation would be as good. Also, after much googling and asking the sales reps way more specific questions than they're used to, I think Coast uses an older version of the hardware.

Thanks for the replies!

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