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Author Topic: Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)  (Read 3147 times)


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Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)
« on: April 18, 2019, 06:40:16 pm »
Okay I know these questions are very common and I'm thinking that this thread may even get skipped over because people are tired of answering flo questions, but I assure you this one is a mind boggler.

I recently picked up a free spa from a co-worker. I was told it heats and the pumps work and that it didn't leak. That's all I needed to know as I can handle the rest (I thought). As I was loading the spa I noticed a few things: First, there was a mouse living under it (it actually scurried out as I lifted the spa onto the furniture dolly), next I saw that all the wood on the bottom was rotten. The spa wasn't powered when I got there nor did it have water, so couldn't check anything in that regard.

I got it home and immediately patched the hole the mouse made to get into the spa and then replaced all the spray foam it chewed up and filled any other potential entry sites to the spa. I then removed all the wood on the bottom and replaced it with new stuff. I laid the spa in its place and installed a new wiring harness from my 220 box to the spa. I put water in it and flipped the breaker and it immediately powered up and started to heat. That was easy wasn't it!

The problems began shortly thereafter. First off the air blower didn't work, it made noise, but no bubbles. I saw that the ozone box had an empty port as well. The high and low jets worked though. I removed the panel for the air blower and saw that it was simply a rubber coupler that came loose so I reattached it and tightened the hose clamp. I found the line for the ozone box and hooked that back up as well. So the air blower now works, the high and low jets work, the circulator pump works, as well as the heater, and I can see the flow switch operate (water movement moves the tab against the other piece), and the flow switch looks relatively new as well.

Then came the flo and flo2 codes. Once the codes trip I have to go to the breaker and shut it down to get rid of the codes. I wait 10 seconds and power it up, then I run to the spa and quickly yank the sensor wire plug from the board, this allows it to start up as normal with no codes. I put the sensor plug back in and the spa works perfectly. I immediately hear the circulator pump running, the jets high/low work, air bubbles, heat, even the lights, it all works. As soon as the spa gets up to the target temp and that circulator pump shuts off, it throws a flo/2 code and I am back to square one and have to hit the breaker again to start the process over.

I checked all the wiring and fuses, I removed both the main filter and the cover down in the deepest part of the spa (in case there was debris), and no matter what, as soon as the circulator pump shuts off after it heats, the flo code trips and won't go away without a breaker flip. The strange thing is that the previous owner said it was hot the day before I picked it up and he had never touched it in two years. So its like me transporting it caused this issue somehow.

I don't know what else to do, the next step was going to be replace the flow switch as it was the cheaper thing to do next, but I wanted to check with you guys first. Like I said the flow switch looks a lot newer than the rest of the stuff down there and I can't see why it was working just fine before I picked it up and now it doesn't want to run.

I have never run a spa off the pre wired stuff in the ground at my house, I've only been here a couple years. Could those wires be wrong, or possibly not putting out 220? Let me know what you think, thank you.

Hot Tub Forum

Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)
« on: April 18, 2019, 06:40:16 pm »


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Re: Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 09:36:26 am »
The flow switch is bad.  Replace it


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Re: Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2019, 04:57:10 pm »
The flow switch is bad.  Replace it

I did, it fixed everything. What confused me is that the spa worked perfectly until I transported it. Also when I pulled the sensor plug off the board and the spa started working as normal, I would think that as soon as I plugged it back it, it would throw a flo code again. Weird design. Either way the flow switch fixed it, thank you.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance 850 - Flo/flo2 (not your typical Flo issues)
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2019, 04:57:10 pm »


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