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Author Topic: Building a surround for a hot tub  (Read 1783 times)


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Building a surround for a hot tub
« on: September 22, 2019, 01:40:09 am »
I just picked up a hot tub shell and now need to build a surround, but I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answer to before I start framing this thing. I have a few pics for reference below.

First off could I fill this one up with water as is? Would be nice to make sure the pump and heater work first and wondering if the supports it has factory installed could handle the water weight?

Which leads me into the main question. Do I need to frame up to under the lip or would the bottom of the lip sit on the frame? Or in other words straight down under the lip, or like a bit of a ledge running around the lip to sit on?

I have seen lots of pictures where it appears that the lip is sitting on top of a piece of wood. I have also seen a video where there is a piece of wood put in by the factory under the lip. It makes sense to frame under the lip so water gets directed away from the inside, but as you can see in the second picture there is no wood factory installed under the lip, and there are things like the grab handle bump in the way of a piece of wood to sit unobstructed. Also there is not enough room for a 2x4 to be installed flat, as in less than 4 inches of room, furthermore there is so much foam in the way I'm not even sure a 2x2 would sit true for framing and enclosing it with plywood. Things like that make me wonder if I would need to frame right under the lip.
I'm still leaning towards framing under the lip and cutting out chunks for stuff like the grab handle bump, but just need a little guidance here.
It would be easier to enclose the tub if I just needed to have that lip sit on the frame. It is a partial octagon shape but one corner has a 90, like a square with 3 of the corners cut off on a 45. I wanted to make a square frame and then the 3 octagon corners could have a little triangle of wood behind them for a ledge for drinks or sitting and also a spot to mount the controls as they are not integrated into the fiberglass part. Then I'd only have to deal with 4 corners instead of 7.

Would I just sit it on the concrete as it is now or would it be better to make a little pad to sit on, maybe even insulate?

And then what would be the best and most cost effective way to insulate? I am up in Canada and read it should have the same R value as a home so like R20-25. I thought sytrofoam panels would make the most sense but for a R20 value it would need to be 2" thick. I was thinking the 1/2 thick R12 panels till I saw the info about making it the same as a house R value.

I thinks that's about it for now.

Hot Tub Forum

Building a surround for a hot tub
« on: September 22, 2019, 01:40:09 am »


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