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Author Topic: Help with final decision  (Read 28588 times)


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2004, 03:13:55 pm »
1% of the purchase?  Components, filtration, and warranty are the three things I would look for in a spa purchase.  If those things are not important to you Steve we disagree.  

By the way, I have no problem with Beachcomber.  I have a problem with the quality of Jacuzzi Premium versus Sundance.  Every one of my posts, before you decided to chime in, was between Jacuzzi Premium and Sundance.

Tell me why their heater is better than Sundance’s, tell me why their filtration is better than Sundance’s, tell me why their warranty is better than Sundance’s?  All you said about my comments is that it is salesman bullsh*t.  You did not explain why Beachcomber’s is better.

If you just promoted Beachcomber and specifically showed why it is better than Sundance I would not be arguing with you.  You unfortunately did not do that.

By the way, Sundance’s element is Teflon coated as well.  I’m sure you didn’t know that.

Chris H

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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2004, 03:13:55 pm »


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2004, 04:30:17 pm »
1% of the purchase?  Components, filtration, and warranty are the three things I would look for in a spa purchase.  If those things are not important to you Steve we disagree.  

You wouldn't be the first my Sundance friend! ;) The point I was making is that plutonium heaters and 800 sq ft filters are gimmicks much like 90% of the stuff in spas today. If we were all 100% honest with ourselves, we would agree that clear, clean and safe water is important and that we have re-invented the wheel in order to sell our spas. If manufacturers did it all the same way, why compete? Why do you think Protec was introduced from Beachcomber? Not because it's the very best, but because it works well and it's different. RULE#1 If someone is doing something that works...change it so it works too but promote it as BETTER!

Why is it I can own a spa for 5 years, have great water, use it every day outside in Alberta, have a 25 sq ft filter, a 5.5 kw heater and never have problems with bacteria or water quality or operating costs that are more than a buck a day? WHY? Because the system I have works great.

The rest is semantics and splitting hairs to make the sale and I'll say it if no one else will. Sure, there some neat additions to spas but is the spa comfortable, therapeutic, energy efficient, low maintenance, adequate filtration for its usage and is my dealer looking after me? Those are big ones Chris and if we disagree on this, that's Okee dokee by me.

By the way, I have no problem with Beachcomber.  I have a problem with the quality of Jacuzzi Premium versus Sundance.  Every one of my posts, before you decided to chime in, was between Jacuzzi Premium and Sundance.

Both manufacturers have thousands of happy owners. I wouldn't spend too much time with that.

Tell me why their heater is better than Sundance’s, tell me why their filtration is better than Sundance’s, tell me why their warranty is better than Sundance’s?  All you said about my comments is that it is salesman bullsh*t.  You did not explain why Beachcomber’s is better.

see above comment. It's not about the BETTER thing, it's about the spa that best suits your needs without getting caught up in the sales BS. That's not said directly at you Chris, but rather the entire industry.

If you just promoted Beachcomber and specifically showed why it is better than Sundance I would not be arguing with you.  You unfortunately did not do that.

not my job buddy boy! ;) And I don't believe you for a second. It's our natural instinct to defend what we feel is "best" and our own choice in what we sell. I'm not arguing with anyone...just pointing out the facts. Not better...similar without the hype of plutonium.

By the way, Sundance’s element is Teflon coated as well.  I’m sure you didn’t know that.

I'm sure it works as well as most spas Chris.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2004, 04:38:55 pm by Steve »


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2004, 11:23:32 pm »
Wow your dazed!

For our beachcomber 750, (which we still haven't received) we were quoted $13,119.27 EXCLUDING TAX!

For that we get the same as you were quoted for less the Aquacoustics
and the ozonator. (although our dealer has provided and installed the electricity hook up) Even so, it looks like we are paying over the odds.

LED Light
Garden Lights
Cover lifter
Hush pump
Air Blower
Reflex Foot Massage
Redwood Skirt
Setup and Delivery

Price $13,119.27 plus tax.


Our tax rate is 15%, but they are all including taxes in their price. Here are the exact pricing and options on these tubs:

Optima (Floor model):
UV Ozonator
LED light
Hydraulic Cover Lifter
Synthertic Skirt
Setup and Delivery
Cup holder
Aromatherapy beads
Delivery and setup
Price: $12000 (Canadian)

Jacuzzi Premium J-385 (Brand new):
CD Ozonator
LED light
Synthertic Skirt
Hydraulic Cover Lifter
Setup and Delivery
Delivery and Setup
Price: $12200 (Canadian)

Beachcomber 750 (Brand New):
UV ozonator
LED Light
Garden Lights
Cover lifter
Hush pump
Air Blower
Reflex Foot Massage
Cedar Skirt
Setup and Delivery
Price: $12000 (Canadian)



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2004, 12:03:25 pm »
As far as Sundance filtration, there is a 24 hr circulation pump PLUS a default of 2hrs running the other pumps, which can be increased or decreased.



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2004, 12:52:46 pm »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I decided to go with the Beachcomber 750 with the Aquacoustics Sound System, Protec, Hush Pump, Garden Light package, Everlight 3, Reflex Foot Massage, Cover Lifter,  Turbo Air Blower, CD Ozonator, Cedar Skirt, 4" EcoCover, 5 year extended Warranty, Sealed Bottom, Chemicals and Delivery, Setup and taxes included. Thanks for all of your help in my final decision and a special thanks to Lesley from KoHo Pools and Spas in Barrie for putting up with me during the research of the hot tub! ;)
If you're in the Barrie area please go and see her if you are in the market for a great hot tub!



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2004, 01:15:59 pm »
I personally know Lesley and she's the best of the best. You are very lucky to have the honor of dealing with someone as professional as she! She's my hero! ::) ;D

Congrats webber on your choice of spas and I wish you and your family many years of enjoyment with it!



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2004, 01:38:22 pm »
Glad to see you have made your decision.
I was interested in what you chose as I am on the verge
of buying a BC 750 as well.

Your price is 38% less than what I was quoted for the
same tub from my local dealer.   And that was supposed to be his "truckload sale" pricing.
I've been looking at other BC dealers.

When do you get your tub?


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2004, 03:38:52 pm »
Thanks Steve....

Lesley just informed me that she found a 750 that had been cancelled that is coming into the Toronto warehouse and I can have it in the backyard by next week! Can't wait!

Where are you located KC-SWO?


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2004, 04:38:39 pm »
STOP. DO NOT SIGN THOSE PAPERS!!!! (God I hope I'm not too late) ;D

Beachcomber over Adventure Spas? ??? I don't get it? ???
Seriously though, after being in this industry for many many years, construction, insulation and overall quality is superior to the others you mentioned. IMO of course (for those of you ready to tear a strip out of me ;D )

I think you'll find the Adventure Spas far higher quality with far better support from the company when you look further into it. Take your time and give yourself another chance at purchasing this spa. It's worth doing so.

The deal you were offered is fantastic and though I'm no longer with Adventure Spas, I can assure you that you need to reconsider the total value. Where abouts in Ontario are you?

If I'm too late, go get your deposit back! If they won't give it to you, I'll start a fund here and we'll collect the money! ;D

The Grand Pooba 400,000 LXSBX50Z is one of the alltime most comfortable, therapeutic and amazing spas money can buy. You'll never regret owning it!

As for Dazed... ohhhhhh nevermind... ::)



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2004, 05:02:48 pm »
Very well written Ed. You are very articulate! Just a little late is all! ;) ;D

« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 05:09:37 pm by Steve »


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2004, 09:48:16 pm »

As a former Beachcomber dealer, you got a great price. I was surprised to hear you list "sealed bottom" as an option. Is that something Koho is adding on or is Keith Scott actually listening to his dealers? Nah, Koho must be adding it.
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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2004, 01:37:05 am »

As a former Beachcomber dealer, you got a great price. I was surprised to hear you list "sealed bottom" as an option. Is that something Koho is adding on or is Keith Scott actually listening to his dealers? Nah, Koho must be adding it.

No - Beachcomber are far too stuck in their ways to listen to their dealers (or customers). Having been told that Beachcomber refuse to protect their bases, I asked our dealer to install a pressure treated plywood base on our 750 to help keep out the bugs. I must say, if it were not for the fact that the 750 was so comfortable and our dealer so helpful, I would not buy from Beachcomber. I think their products are over priced, under powered and lacking in extras.  However, the 750 shell design is first class.

Personally, I can’t help but feel that Beachcomber is slow to react to changing markets. But then again, after waiting eight weeks for our spa to be delivered (so far) I have come to expect as much.

Steve K
« Last Edit: September 16, 2004, 01:38:48 am by TALKCalgary.com »


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2004, 01:46:21 am »
But then again, after waiting eight weeks for our spa to be delivered (so far) I have come to expect as much.
8 weeks? holy sheep p00p!
I'd call the manufacturer and make sure the dealer isn't scewin' around...

sorry if I sound a bit reactionary but I am after experiencing a similar situation that has resulted in a law suit. Check up on that dealer...


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2004, 01:56:19 am »
No. I don’t think it’s the dealer. I called Beachcomber myself and found them totally apathetic. Or should that be pathetic? Anyway, the dealer called me today to say our spa was now in stock and could be installed on Saturday. Although, you know, after all this time, the magic has dulled somewhat.

Steve K


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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2004, 08:42:06 am »
Very well written Ed. You are very articulate! Just a little late is all! ;) ;D



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Re: Help with final decision
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2004, 08:42:06 am »


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