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Author Topic: Your coldest soak?  (Read 12753 times)


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Your coldest soak?
« on: January 25, 2019, 07:23:35 am »
Long range forecasts are calling for -10F next week, so what is your coldest soak ever in the hottub?  Fortunately, we have big heavy Sundance Robes and the tub is 5 ft from my back door (ok, maybe 10) The all time record low in Columbus Ohio was -23F, but that was long before I got my first hottub.    It's rarely that cold in the years since then, but for awhile, 4F was my coldest.  A couple of days it was colder, but the wind was fierce.  This year the night of the eclipse the wind was still and it was -2F while I was in the tub.
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Your coldest soak?
« on: January 25, 2019, 07:23:35 am »


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2019, 08:03:34 am »
The coldest I have seen it here in Cambridge Springs Pa. was a couple years ago it was –34f in the morning. I did not go in the tub that morning.

It is funny as we were just talking about this the other day. When the temp gets below 30f we have a big basket of stocking caps we grab one for the tub. Our tub is even closer to the back door it is one step to the hot tub stairs. I go out with winter gear on and clear ant snow away and then often put the jet on the 10’ hose I have with 150-160f hot water and de-ice the cover and the steps and the few feet between the door and the tub. I remove the jet nozzle and make sure the short hose is drained, open the tub and go back in and loose the clothes and grab a cap and in we go. The cold air for those few seconds really wakes you up and makes the water feel extra hot for about 10 seconds. Getting out is the funny part if its really cold the tub is 103-104 and when we get out she runs for the door but I like the cold air to help bring my temp down for a few minutes. It doesn’t feel cold at all. Then go in dry off put warm stuff on and go out treat the tub and close it up.

Coldest I have been in was –10f. That’s a little cold for my liking but zero and above is no problem.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2019, 10:14:09 am »
Good topic.
Been thinking for a while about mentioning soaks here this winter but no bragging rights at all. I've had plenty of chances to dip in the single digits and at least two or three at just minus zero by a few marks. Have not done so yet though. I'd say it wasn't a conscious decision against cold temps but just some plans or other things going on that didn't spare my normal 20 minute soak and a few extra minutes of dress down, cloths back on and shower in between.
In fact, I'd say it was a conscious temptation since I knew I'd be hitting a milestone of sorts had I ventured in. Part of it is I'd like to measure that time along with my wife joining me too. We almost always tub together but those nights in particular, I recall it would probably just been me.
Maybe we'll make a special plan of it and toast with some wine,  dinner out or something special ordered in. That would help make it memorable too. As of now, I can say we've been regularly tubbing over the past three months in temps between 19*f and mid twenty's often since 630 to 730 pm is our usual time.
There have been plenty of 30's and 40's too but I don't find any of these temps noticeably different. I soak up to my neck, our tub is 18 feet left of our patio door and when I get out my core is toasty. Inside the house, that core temp stays awhile so I'm apt to be fairly under dressed for the evening.

I'll talk it over with my wife but I think she'd agree if we are going for single digits we may as well hold out for something in the official minus segment. It's not all that different.
Wind ? Nope not going to get excited about being in the wind if it's sub freezing outside.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2019, 11:45:07 am »
It's supposed to be -22 here next week, maybe I'll give it a go!  :D :D I don't mind below zero temps, it's the wind that sucks


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2019, 04:58:06 pm »
I was repairing my snow plow hydraulic hose this morning at -23f

BFSM want to see some snow? Come north a hundred miles or so.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2019, 05:55:10 pm »
I was repairing my snow plow hydraulic hose this morning at -23f

BFSM want to see some snow? Come north a hundred miles or so.

I make it a point not to travel North of Maple Grove this time of year lol...I do own lake property Waaay up north though so I head that way often in the summer


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2019, 07:40:49 am »
I was repairing my snow plow hydraulic hose this morning at -23f

BFSM want to see some snow? Come north a hundred miles or so.

I make it a point not to travel North of Maple Grove this time of year lol...I do own lake property Waaay up north though so I head that way often in the summer

I'm on Island lake in the town of Sturgeon lake. But I am actually closer to the town of Moose Lake. LOL that sounds confusing. 21" of ice yesterday. Should make a bunch of good ice the next week. -26F right now.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2019, 05:05:45 am »
I'm on Island lake in the town of Sturgeon lake. But I am actually closer to the town of Moose Lake. LOL that sounds confusing. 21" of ice yesterday. Should make a bunch of good ice the next week. -26F right now.

I'm originally from MI but a bit down-state by the 'thumb' for 32 years - although moved to CO in '93.

Your proximity looks to be the equivalent of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, a place I rarely ventured to but has hellacious winters and seasonal snowfall amounts.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2019, 07:56:54 am »
The big lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron) actually help so it's not so cold over there. 40 miles north of me in Duluth it is common to see 10 or more degrees difference.


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2019, 10:43:36 am »
-23 is cold!  Gets in single digits here and I don’t use my tub. I live about about 25 miles south of Boston and the beginning of the week it got down to 0 out and that was way to cold for me. I skip going inwhen it gets to 10


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2019, 11:29:16 am »
The big lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron) actually help so it's not so cold over there. 40 miles north of me in Duluth it is common to see 10 or more degrees difference.

Not so cold is relative, 20 below or 30 below who cares.......cold


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2019, 10:13:14 pm »
I remember a particularly chilly night: must have been in the low fifties.
Yeah, maybe as low as 51 or 52. If my tub wasn't indoors, I might have just canceled.

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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2019, 10:22:13 pm »
Was just in at -17 celcius equates to about 1degree F. Was nice


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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2019, 08:54:06 am »
The big lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron) actually help so it's not so cold over there. 40 miles north of me in Duluth it is common to see 10 or more degrees difference.

True, I grew up on Lake Erie, so I consider it a big one!    100 miles further south it is usually colder than along the lake, at least until it freezes over, which it doesn't to every year.
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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2019, 01:48:38 pm »
True, I grew up on Lake Erie, so I consider it a big one!    100 miles further south it is usually colder than along the lake, at least until it freezes over, which it doesn't to every year.

Erie is also a big lake just not bordering on the UP. They get a ton of snow around the great lakes, and they also keep the shore and 20 miles inland slightly warmer in the dead of winter and slightly cooler in the summer.

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Re: Your coldest soak?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2019, 01:48:38 pm »


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