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Author Topic: HL and Hot error - Please help  (Read 2295 times)


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HL and Hot error - Please help
« on: January 20, 2019, 04:04:29 pm »

I own an Arctic Spa Fox tub.

Last night my tub started showing an HL error. I spoke with a service tech on the phone and he asked me to remove the probe from the heater tube and try turning on the tub again to see if the error came on again. I shut the power off to the tub, removed the probe from the heater tube, leaving it connected to the spa pack and turned the tub back on.

When the tub turned on it still through the HL error and the heater tub got incredibly hot. I shut the tub off right away. I replaced the Probe and let it sit for about an hour with the power off. I turned the tub back on and now I was getting an HPt error.

I shut the power off and removed the probe from the tub. There was no part number on the Probe. I went to the supply store with the Probe and the tech gave me a new probe. It is slightly shorter than the original probe, but he assured me that it would be fine.

I installed the new probe in the tub, turned the tub back on and now I am still getting the HPt error. If I remove the Probe then I get an HD error, which tells me that the tub is seeing the new probe, but something else is wrong.

Does anybody have any suggestions of the next step to try? The tech isn't available to come until the end of next week and I don't want the tub sitting in the cold weather with no heater...

Thank you all for your help!!

Hot Tub Forum

HL and Hot error - Please help
« on: January 20, 2019, 04:04:29 pm »


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Re: HL and Hot error - Please help
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2019, 06:25:46 am »
I didn't see this in time, hope things are okay or under way with the tub / tub fix.

It's not heating at all or maintaining some temp ?
Any circ pumps coming on to run a few times a day or every few hours ?

I had a tub coming to us from another house in October and we wondered about freezing up. I called the company that makes it and they said even with the heater that was out and tripping the breaker, left unwired was okay since the pumps run every hour or so to sample water temps and filter. Even that little bit of turbulence would prevent a freeze worry unless it got way below the double digits.

** Also, plan B = drain the tub, blow out the lines as best you can and add some RV antifreeze to the lower pumps / sump areas.

Update when you can.
If you can't solve or troubleshoot beyond what you did and rely on first available service tech, I understand you are kind of stuck.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: HL and Hot error - Please help
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2019, 06:25:46 am »


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