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Author Topic: New Hot Tub Owner Slowly Figuring It Out?  (Read 5851 times)


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Re: New Hot Tub Owner Slowly Figuring It Out?
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2019, 07:13:20 am »
It sounds like the OP is having some of the issues I had with bromine. Having a bank of bromine some active and some inactive and the inactive being released back into the water after MPS shocking gave me the roller coaster ride of ever changing levels. Then the interconnectivity of the other levels with where the bromine was at was causing me to pull out what little hair I have left.

I know many use bromine with success and it is a nice product as it is cheap and breaks down slow in hot water are the main advantages.

With the invention of slow release chlorine “@ease brand” there is simpler way IMO but the product is more expensive.

My logic was with bromine I was out there every day checking the water and most of the time fiddling with it adjusting something, why not just add some dichlor while I was at it and forget about bromine.

This is just my opinion on the subject but with chlorine there is a straight forward cause and effect to the treatment. I go out the tub reads 1ppm we soak for an hour I add 1 tablespoon of dichlor or 1/3 cup of bleach and the tub reads 5ppm. The next day it is back to 1ppm and we repeat. The rest of the water needs adjusted but once set it tends to stay put and might need tweaking here and there but no wild swings like bromine gave me. I still use MPS a cap full maybe every other week and it clears the slightly cloudy water by burning out the dead impurities. But a few hours later everything is back like it was reading wise.

We have some family members that just got a tub and they are folks that are not going to study this in depth and wanted simplicity over cost. They didn’t get a salt tub so I suggested @ease but still check the water and add a little dichlor depending on bather load. They are using their inline feeder as an starting dose and if they don’t use the tub for a week it will maintain it. Then if they have 6 people in it they know it needs extra.

 Everyone comes to their own best method at some point. I know bromine works and can be controlled and 10 years ago it was just about the best you could do as something semiautomatic.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New Hot Tub Owner Slowly Figuring It Out?
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2019, 07:13:20 am »


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