* I know nothing about these names but I think they are linked by distribution or "factory outlet" marketing ?
I recently discovered a guy I know from work had started a hot tub project around the time I started mine and his is a gangbusters $$$$$ set up from what I hear.

We shared the same electrician who we also know 'from work'.
The bits and pieces I gather is a custom deck of around $20 k and a tub of the same price or at least a "list" of around $20 k since the factory outlet marketing is geared toward guise of huge discounts. My guess is $15 - 16 k for the tub.
I know nothing specific of the tub since they have many models and the Catalina brand as well I think. Anyways, was perusing the sites and links or forums to see what I could find and nothing really rang up for reputation or client experiences until …… I seen a bunch of hits on Yelp.
Again, no mention of the specific models that I recall but two really great reviews about the tub although mostly the dealer / sales person experience. However, out of the 2 good reviews, they were met with 6 or more terrible experiences and probably half of those mention the tub quality itself where the other negative reviews might have revolved around a dealer or two in one area of the country. I sounds like a dealer or two around the Maryland area were not meeting delivery times , good delivery experiences or including the steps and chemicals as promised, in some cases , damaged tubs or steps and no remedy or help for months in some cases.
At first read, I was nearly horrified to think of anyone spending that level of money only to have such heartache or as some stated, "going months with out follow up, a working tub or saleman dodging phone calls" etc...
Then I realized much of it may just boil down to a a few bad apples in the case of dealerships. One new tub was delivered with old dirty water and hair in the pipes. Another leaked and yet another had a jet that wasn't screwed in properly and they just gooped it with sealant or caulk since the screw threads didn't reach the part to bite in.
I'm hopeful this other tub project isn't going a similar direction. He has the tub in place and just wired up a few days ago but waitng a week to do the fill and set up. As always, tub photos and promo info looks impressive and sharp but I never found much of any mention when looking for user reviews. I'll add, these Yelp mentions were all very current almost all being 2018.
Any word on the street about this brand or company ?