Hope I'm on the right track here.... Advice or thoughts please;
My son found a bb-size or slightly bigger s/s ball bearing a week or so ago in the bottom of the tub and yesterday, I found three more. Once in a while, I rotate the outer face or flange of the jets to insure they are full open and I'm guessing when doing so, one or more have some cracks or damage as I'm picturing a roller-ball ridge or track behind the face of them.... maybe some are getting away ?
The tub owner mentioned early on- Some jets needed replacement. I didn't think to ask why at the time. I checked all to find a few were rotated shut and assumed he thought they were bad although now, I'm guessing the ball bearings issue is what he meant or some that lost bearings might vibrate closed by themselves.
Still working great and loving that thing more every day but hot tubs are definitely not without mysteries - lol. Have a great weekend ALL !