100 amp = whole house
Seen plenty of folks updating / upgrading to 150 or 200 when getting a tub but it's not a project or expense I care to push for until or unless needed.
*Great concept having the pumps still good even if the heater trips.
My hurried plan to get my tub was not intended but rather taking my time on a landscape concept with future option for a tub and area pre planned. When it came to be a free donation, and shortly afterward, finding out his breaker tripped and the heater went out, I contacted Marquis directly to see what their thoughts were on freezing. With the pumps still operating and the heater unplugged, they felt the risk was zero to minimal unless a many-days deep freeze moved in.
Thankfully, that put the owners mind to some ease so I could get things ready and bide a few more days of time needed.
Admittedly, I was a week or more behind my plan due to a cold or flu bug and it put me working in the 4 or 5 day cycle of cold winds, snow and freezing rains to work the earth, pavers and wall block. Home Depot landscape dept was suspiciously quiet except for my shopping and loading up but I had to keep moving. I felt like a guy looking for his lost winning lottery ticket - time running out ?
Paying for professional tub movers, I didn't want it just anywhere b/c I wasn't ready. I needed the pad to be ready for exact placement.
Now, no real deadlines per se for continuation on landscape appeal. Getting fat and lazy so maybe it's time I'm fitted for a Santa Suit.

Happy / Safe winter, Thanks Giving and holiday season to all.
~ bach