Had friends over this past weekend and consumed (imbibed) what some would say is a fair amount of beer, wine and spirits. Naturally the hot tub was the center of attention as we were without kids for the weekend. I simply say, we consumed and ate to our contentment. But there were a few lessons learned.
Lesson number one. Did you know that warm water makes your bladder more active when drinking beer?

Lesson number two. Did you know that you get more light headed when warm water is applied while a little under the influence and makes getting in and out of the tub to deal with lesson number one difficult (even dangerous)?

Lesson number three. Did you know that swim suits come off when imbibing beverages with an alcohol % are combined with warm water?
Lesson number four. Did you know that when swim suits ....... oooops. Never mind that lesson.
Final lesson, heed the first lesson. It makes for a very rough morning after. IN MANY MORE WAYS THAN ONE.
Now back to the hot tub to deal with the thumping headache (lesson number one), the bruised knee (Lesson number two) and the cuteness of lesson number three.
I leave up to the moderator to censor this post.