Did you get your leak fixed?
My water is no longer green. The solution......I just don't know for sure!
We drained, disinfected, rinsed then refilled. I then added my SpaDown to bring the alkalinity down from 230 to 100ppm, and my pH down from 8.4 to 7.2. This did not take long, as I already knew from experience how much sodium bisulfate to add. This time I used a different metal sequestering product: SpaClear Minquest. I allowed that to work overnight (about 12 hours) then added my first dichlor shock the next morning. It has been 5 days now and the water looks nice. Also, I removed my N2 cartridge and am using dichlor routine only.
When I filled with well water, I notice that my water does have a "color" to it anyways. Our shell is white by the way.
One thing I am thinking about, in retrospect, is that we should've cleaned our tub when we first got it. Who knows what was in it. When it was delivered it had rainwater in it. The delivery people had filled it to make sure it did not leak, then drained it and forgot to put the cover back on. It rained the night before it was delivered I think, adn who knows exactly how long it sat outside with the top open and wet. Therefore it's possible that the bacteria (and maybe even algae) growth was so high that the initial setup of my tub did not have enough sanitizer in it to make that initial fill water perfectly clean. Maybe we had an algae bloom and I was never able to get rid of that green color. Would dead algae be removed by a filtration system?
I'm not sure yet if I will put the N2 cartridge back in. Just don't knwo if it really works anyways. I'm sure my dichlor is killing everything. I've been monitoring the levels to make sure the water is clean

Spatopia at last!!!