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Author Topic: # jets/HP size  (Read 11790 times)


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Re: # jets/HP sizeSomeone once told me to compare
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2004, 10:11:47 am »
Someone once told me to compare hot tub jets to shower jets ....
A shower head with 50 jets will get you wet with a fine spray and little massage but a shower head with 25 jets will both get you wet and you will feel the pressure and message ....
Both pumping the same quantity of water.  
Less can be better !

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Re: # jets/HP sizeSomeone once told me to compare
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2004, 10:11:47 am »


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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2004, 01:39:52 pm »
I agree, less holes more pressure.  However, take the 50 hole shower head and through one of these behind it and violla, same pressure as 25 holes.

But then you wouldn't be using the same quantity of water.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2004, 01:47:52 pm by huh »


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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2004, 02:44:06 pm »
Here's the grain of salt.  It's important that the consumer understand what some manufacturer's are dong in this industry in an effort ot mislead them.

If we allow misinformation, then the trust we should all be working hard to obtain with our customers can be thrown out the window.

Check the Pool & Spa News industry magazine dated December 20, 1993.  Here are a few quotes:
"More jets sell", says Sam Royhob, general manager, American Spas.  "Vissually it looks very impressive with jets and me all othe spa.  It's mostly cosmetic but the omnlooks expensive."

"There's a race for horsepower and jets.  Manufacturers are trying to keep up with each other and we keep adding more.  We're overjetting and overpowering  and all it does is put more holes in the spa and cause service problems.  The result is that the whole industry suffers," noted George Hendricks president of Emerald spas.


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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2004, 03:03:20 pm »
REdo quote from Pool & Spa 12/20/93-"Visually it looks very impressive with jets and chrome all over the spa.  It's mostly cosmetic but the customer thinks that it looks expensive."

Also, look in the Pool & Spa News dated 12/20/93 by jim McNichol to see what he says about HP.  

I believe that this is a great forum with some industry experts that are really trying to change the impression that people may have of this industry which will result in
customer satisfaction and trust.


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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2004, 03:20:49 pm »
One mans trash is another mans treasure.  To strickly say that a tub with less jets is better than one with more jets (or vice versa) is a huge disservice to the people we are trying to help.  As far as chrome.  What if someone wants a tub for entertaining/leisure.  Is chrome not something he should look at?  I think we all keep forgetting that there are different reasons people buy spas.  As much as you disslike some companies, they may be perfect for others.  I know that not every company makes a spa perfect for everyone.  Talk about getting back to the basics.  We're supposed to be here to help.  If someone was looking for a verry inexpensive starter spa, that he will leave at his house when he moves in 6 mos. I would do the unthinkable and suggest maybe homedepot, of course after I show him the benefits of what I can offer.  I would tell him what he could expect from the big box, if the pros out weigh the cons, I have helped him to the best of my proffesional ability.  I point him in the right direction.


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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2004, 10:45:53 am »
Here's the grain of salt.  It's important that the consumer understand what some manufacturer's are dong in this industry in an effort ot mislead them.

If we allow misinformation, then the trust we should all be working hard to obtain with our customers can be thrown out the window.

Check the Pool & Spa News industry magazine dated December 20, 1993.  Here are a few quotes:
"More jets sell", says Sam Royhob, general manager, American Spas.  "Vissually it looks very impressive with jets and me all othe spa.  It's mostly cosmetic but the omnlooks expensive."

"There's a race for horsepower and jets.  Manufacturers are trying to keep up with each other and we keep adding more.  We're overjetting and overpowering  and all it does is put more holes in the spa and cause service problems.  The result is that the whole industry suffers," noted George Hendricks president of Emerald spas.

Hey, waitaminute, aren't you using pure advertising sources to make a point about advertising?  Hmmmm....I think I'd use other sources.....
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Re: # jets/HP size
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2004, 10:45:53 am »


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