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Author Topic: Nature 2 Users  (Read 5542 times)


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Nature 2 Users
« on: September 09, 2004, 06:03:43 pm »
Hello All!!!!!

Its been an interesting (if not exasperating) 2 months with my new tub. In the 1st month I had alot of water problems,(green, foamy,etc.) I drained and refilled after 4 weeks, and figured I'd start all over (using BaquaSpa - yikes :-X). A week later same thing, and I followed all my directions to the T, test strips read fine. Go Figure. The next week, I saw I had a leak - losing an inch of water a day - not to evaporation or usage (wasn't being used). Jacuzzi rep and dealer came out (last week) said yup you have a leak, but don't know where from have to come back and put it up on blocks, probe the foan to find the leak, cut the foam, fix the leak, and refoam. Should be out next week. When Jacuzzi rep was here I asked him about Baqua Spa - he told me under no circumstance should I be using it, Jacuzzi will not cover certain parts of the warranty for using it, said they recommend Nature 2.  So now its back to Spa Chemistry 101. So I have questions for all you Nature 2 users.

1. Do I need to run something thru my tub to get out all the Baqua Spa in the plumbing. I was planning on soaking the filters, and scrubbing the inside of the tub with bleach. (Not sure if its good for the filters though)
2. Do I need to use both Dichlor & MPS(Renew?) and how often.
3. What other products do I need to get (clarifiers, calcium hardness?, PH up or down, Alkalinity? ( I bought a ton of Baqua Spa crap that I guess will now go to waste)
4. Should I stick with using test strips or get a water testing kit.

Any input would be greatly appreciated - I am basically at the end of my rope - I really am not enjoying "tubbing" at this point and I want to 8)


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Nature 2 Users
« on: September 09, 2004, 06:03:43 pm »


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 07:32:46 pm »
I am by no means an expert but I would:

use swirlaway, soak the filters, Nature2 with dichlor and would at least for my area get a bit of spa up and a test kit ($15 one from Walmart works great).  Then sell the Baqua spa on Ebay..  


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 08:16:42 pm »
AmySue, Many here will reiterate ttodd1's suggestion. I've got the HotSpring everfresh system (Ozone/Silver Ion) which I think is similar to Nature 2. I use 2 tbsp. of MPS before entering and 1 to 2 tspn. of dichlor after use. Only had the tub a week, however, no water problems yet. Good luck.


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 08:58:39 pm »
Go to this link:http://www.rhtubs.com/bbs/FAQ.htm

Look for Vermonter's and Northman's posts in the FAQ section of the forums. There is a wealth of knowledge there and should put you on the right track. IMHO I would ditch the MPS, and just use the Dichlor (chlorine) after each use.  I've been following their simple regimen since April and haven't had any problems. While you're there you can also purchase the needed chemicals from the site. It's run by Dr. Spa (a major contributor here) and would be the nice thing to do. Good Luck and don't worry soon this will become easy.


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 09:10:17 pm »
Hi AmySue
You and I share the exact same story.  I've also ditched Baqua and am using Nature2.  But as someone else said, I think I may not even use the MPS and do only a Nature2/dichlor routine.  It's cheaper and the MPS is not a sanitizer, it only oxidizes the nasty chloramines. The dichlor can both sanitize and oxidize.  I am planning to follow Vermonter's routine as posted on rhtubs.com   I see someone else directed you there also for instructions.

I still have a very pale green color???  My  husband and son swear the water looks fine to them but I swear that it had no color when I filled it and now it looks very light green.  I have "shocked the heck" out of it, added MetalGone, tried 2 different clarifiers......to no avail.  Maybe I'm just imagining it and over reacting.....but this happens on the 2nd day after each fill (3 times now).

You will still need the same balancing items such as SpaUp and/or SpaDown for controlling pH and alkalinity.  I am using LeisureTime products. I also have the Renew MPS, but as I said I don't think I will continue to use this product, but stick to dichlor only. If you do use the MPS you will need indicator strips to monitor that.    Honestly, I am planning to buy a Taylor Test kit to monitor my free and total chlorine.  I am a control freak!!!! :o  and I don't feel that strips are very accurate!

we will be draining, cleaning and refilling this weekend, then following Vermonter's routine.

good luck!


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 09:34:01 pm »
Drain, flush and soak.

Drain the tub, fill it a bout 1/3 and drain again.  Soak the filters in a non-baqua filter cleaner (or replace).  Swirl away won't realy help and neither will the bleach.  You aren't cleaning crud or living things.  When you start back up with N2 you will add a little Sodium Dichlor (Chlorine).  If there is any Baqua left in the system it will react with the chlorine and make a little green jello like substance, just wipe it off quickly.  The powders (adjusters) PH UP, PH Down, Alkalinity UP and Calcium hardness increaser can all be used with a Chlor/Bro System.  Compare contents.  Make sure you don't use the sanitizer with stain and scale, Water line control or shock with the Chlorine.  This should do the trick with minimal cost.


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 09:57:40 pm »
Thanks All.

Huh - are you saying I can use my Baqua Powder stuff(PH Up & Down, ALK Up, Calcium etc) but just don't use the Baqua Shock, Waterline Control or Stain & Scale, and Filter Cleaner??? That sounds good to me. I plan on scrubbing the tub down as it has a nice waterline scuzz around the edge of it , so I will probably be able to get all the water thats still left in the pipes flushed out. So I guess I just really need to get a Nature2 stick and some Dichlor and I'm ready to go?? Maybe 2 new filters might not be a bad idea and then I can just soak the old ones to get the Baqua crap out(they are only 2 months old) and  I can keep them as backups. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! ::) ::)


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2004, 10:06:25 pm »
 I believe you need the mps to "activate" the nature-2 cartridge, at least that's what n-2's web site says...


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2004, 09:04:13 am »
Actually the Dichlor is required to activate:



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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2004, 09:59:23 am »
Actually the Dichlor is required to activate:


These instructions are exactly the same as the HS EverFresh instructions. I have a question. Does the dichlor really activate the silver ion/ozone system or is that just something you need to do to initially sanitize new water? Or are they one and the same? I know that the instructions say change water and silver ion purifier every 4 months. So your logic would be, new ionizer-needs chorine to activate. I was under the impression that all three sanitizers (Chlorine, ozone, silver ions) worked independently, not necessarily synergistically, and that the benefit was less additional chemical use-mainly chlorine. The instructions say nothhing about adding any chlorine except when initially filling or refilling the tub.  And the consensus here seems to be don't do that-add dichlor from time to time (usally after use) and not just MPS. Forgive me, I'm no chemist here.  :)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2004, 10:01:25 am by Warkovision »


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2004, 10:17:29 am »

Your Baqua powders (spa up, spa down, calcium) can certainly be used with your dichlor/N2 system.  It is all the same stuff (but not the waterline control, shock, etc).

I'm with Warkovision.  I don't understand all this activate the N2 cartidge stuff.  I think some dealers really like you to use MPS because you need so much of it.


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2004, 12:57:02 pm »

Your Baqua powders (spa up, spa down, calcium) can certainly be used with your dichlor/N2 system.  It is all the same stuff (but not the waterline control, shock, etc).

I'm with Warkovision.  I don't understand all this activate the N2 cartidge stuff.  I think some dealers really like you to use MPS because you need so much of it.

Tony I agree with you regarding the MPS. I think I read on the N2 web site that 1teaspoon Dichlor = 3 tablespoons of MPS. Besides the fact that MPS is only an oxidizer compared to Dichlor that is an oxidizer and sanitizer makes it kind of silly to even consider using. When I first got my tub I used the MPS but found the water not as clear, and it would drop my alk/ph way down thereby increasing the use of alk & ph adjusters. I don't know anyone who likes this stuff. I think it comes from some people's misguided conceptions that chlorine is bad while I believe the opposite to be true. I shock regularly, and add the chlorine only after use by the next day I'm sitting in such a low concentration of chlorine that I don't even smell it. Good Luck to you all.


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2004, 07:05:37 pm »
I have LT products, silver ION, ozone and I use dichlor in tub only. But until the greenwater hit and cleared it up in a jiffy with Peroxymonosulfate,(see post: bitten by green water) I always use it for shock from that point on. and have even left tub for six days four of which dichor was gone, clear water.
Also, the only thing I have had to increase was ALK and I use good old arm & hamer for that.
K.I.S.S realy is the wayt to go!


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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2004, 08:28:38 pm »
Adding Peroxymonosulfate released the bound up chlorine and cleared your green water.  the MPS does not kill anything, it only releases dead nasties that are tied up with chlorine.  Then the free chlorine is there to kill more nasties.   Chlorine will do the same thing as MPS. That's why I think dichlor alone is okay, MPS is just extra money.  The advantage of MPS is that you can use it and get right into your tub; you don't have to wait for levels to drop. I will keep my MPS and use it for that purpose, but I plan to use a dichlor regimen with my N2.

sounds confusing hey?  I never planned on relearning chemistry when I bought this tub.  But I am learning fast and enjoying my tub.  Ahhhh.........spatopia at last...... :)

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Re: Nature 2 Users
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2004, 08:28:38 pm »


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