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Author Topic: down to - optima vs. j-375  (Read 11641 times)


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down to - optima vs. j-375
« on: September 06, 2004, 02:34:31 pm »
i am a first time buyer,,, got it narrowed down to two tubs.  the sundance optima for 7709.00 and the jacussi j-375 for      6536.00,,, both include the same options,, ie steps, cover, pad delivery, chemicals,,,,

I think the optima is a better tub,, both feel good, both are made at the same plant ( i just learned that),,

Q,, is the optima worth the extra 1200

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down to - optima vs. j-375
« on: September 06, 2004, 02:34:31 pm »


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2004, 03:19:08 pm »
I was down to the Optima and the J-365.  Wet tested both, along with some others.  For us, once we wet tested, I was certain I preferred the optima - even though it would cost more - so we ordered the Optima - it will be here in about 2 more weeks.   But that may not be the case for you !  I just felt that the optima offered more flexibility with controling different water functions.  Also, with our prior spa, we used the "whirlpool" feature (where the water just sort of swirls around and the jets are not used, or are only partially used) but when I asked the Jacuzzi dealer about that he said  manufacturers were going away from that because people found they did not want it.  But I recall liking it.  I also found that I liked the Optima salesperson better - very helpful.  But you may find that the Jacuzzi works out better for you - some prefer the Optima, and some the Jacuzzi premiums.   I note the foot dome on the Optimna has two for each corner seat (8 total) while the Jacuzzi 365 had one for each - not sure about the model you are looking at. .  

A final point, and others here may have opinion on this - I was checking out the Optima manuals on line today and confirming what wiring I would need, general prep, etc, and learned that the heater in the Opima will not run if both pumps are on high and if you are using a 50 Amp GFI breaker.  I don't know if that is important or not (comments anyone ?)   Sundance will, when you order, tweak the electronics so you could use a 60 Amp service - but they are otherwise shipped with 50 amp set up.  

Wet test if you have not done so. . . that will likely be the ultimate determiner - and spend enough time so that you understand all of the adjustments, and combinations possible with the water control features.


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2004, 03:37:29 pm »
thanks for your feedback.. it was easier buying a house,,,,

regarding the electrical,, i know the jacuzzi guy told me they would set the tub for 60 amps, i wil check with the optima sales guy,,

agan thanks,,


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2004, 04:57:40 pm »
Yes, the Optima is worth the extra $1,200 dollars.  A few reasons are:

     Sundance - 5 years parts and labor – 2 years on jets, diverters, and stereo
     Jacuzzi – 5 years parts and labor – 1 year on jets, diverters, and stereo

     Sundance – 5 year unconditional warranty; exclusive titanium heating element
     Jacuzzi – 5 year warranty (not unconditional); same heater as the Sweetwater brand spa (the lower end Sundance)

     Sundance – MicroClean cartridge filters down to 1 micron; Also uses floating weir that will trap the debris in the filter compartment when cleaning.  
     Jacuzzi – exposes cartridges to rest of the spa when cleaning; so all the stuff that you just filtered goes back into the spa.  This is gross.

Aroma Therapy:
     Sundance - offer exclusive aromatherapy with a cartridge that does not affect the chemisty of the water.
     Jacuzzi -  where is that aroma therapy?

           The jets in the Sundance are completely adjustable from oscillating to straight.  The air in the Sundance can be completely adjusted unlike the Jacuzzi Premium.  
The Jacuzzi Premium air is either on or off, there is no in between.  

I am not a fan of Jacuzzi Premium, but everything I have written is completely true.

By the way the price you were given for the Sundance is an extremely good price.


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2004, 08:35:35 pm »
I have the 2003 model J-370 but it's pretty much the same thing as the J-375. I personally have no "junk" in my tub. The filtration system works just fine (contrary to the Optima poster above's comments). The heater may not be titanium. OK, so what? As far as aroma therapy... Most people who have tried it didn't like it or had water conditioning problems.  The Jacuzzi jets are pretty good. The diverter value is used to control pressure so the jets are never REALLY 100% on or off as the prior poster may have lead you to believe. Pricing: The other guy must be a Sundance dealer... The Optima can be bought for $7,200 so your price is about average on that unit (not great as others here have posted).  The Jacuzzi price is pretty low but you can probably get it with the stereo for only a few hundred more (around $6,800) if you let the Jacuzzi dealer know your comparing it to the Sundance. IMHO they are both good tubs. Sundance will run a little more. I don't think it's worth $1,200 more but maybe $500 more would be more inline. The local Sundance dealer only said that they would lower their price to the $7,200 (No stereo) figure AFTER I had already committed to the J-370 (with stereo) for $6,500. In my opinion, it's a no brainer. Why spend the extra $'s?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 08:38:19 pm by ndabunka »
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2004, 08:53:03 pm »
I don't either of the tubs but ov you to the Optima for all of the reasons posted by Chris.  It's overall a better tub.



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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2004, 08:55:50 pm »
I don't own either of the tubs but would move you to the optima.  Overall a better tub.


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2004, 10:19:19 pm »
thanks for the feedback so far,,, i love the passion and the experience from which you all speak,, dealer, owner or whatever...  an update

I spent the afternoon at the optima dealer,, their new lower price including, the optima, pad, steps, cover, ozone, extra pleated and micro filter, delivery and set up is  7580+ tax

not as low as some of you think i can achieve,, but the manager of the store would not go any lower

The Jacussi is still on my mind at 6536.00 or 7244.00 with stereo

I think the Sundance is a better spa too,,, but 1000.00
is still too much in my opinion, inspite of the great discussion and advise that the posters have provided,,,

feedback is appreciated,,, i have 72 hours to get my refund back on the optima and to be fair, i want to make the decision and move on,, this stuff is a headache,,, need a hot tub to relieve the stress,,, amen


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2004, 10:29:52 pm »
Get the one you like the best - regardless of the $1,000.  It will quickly be forgotten.


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2004, 08:01:11 am »
We like our Optima, glad we spent the extra bucks.  
It's really a gut feeling- get the spa (whatever brand, model, options, etc.) you want.  You have to live with the purchase for a long time, so why subject yourself to the "If I'd have only got the XXX spa instead of settling for this one" syndrome.  
Either of spas you listed would be fine, get the one you like better.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 08:01:58 am by Brewman »


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2004, 09:10:11 am »
“I personally have no "junk" in my tub. The filtration system works just fine (contrary to the Optima poster above's comments).”
Take your cartridges out, while you are doing so, note the clarity of the water around the filter area.  Tell me if it is different from the other end of the tub.

“The heater may not be titanium. OK, so what?”
More energy efficient for one reason, and it will last longer.  It also has an unconditional warranty.  Does your Jacuzzi?

“As far as aroma therapy... Most people who have tried it didn't like it or had water conditioning problems.”  
Contrary to your belief, the aromatherapy does not affect the water chemistry.  If they didn’t like it, that is a personal preference.  By the way, I think I would rather have the opportunity to use it than not have it at all.

“The Jacuzzi jets are pretty good.”
Just pretty good. For $6,500 I would want them to be better than pretty good.  

“The diverter value is used to control pressure so the jets are never REALLY 100% on or off as the prior poster may have lead you to believe.”
“My comment to the 100% on or off was for the air controlling the jets.  The air is either 100% on or 100% off.  The Sundance air control for the jets is completely adjustable.  Maybe I like the adjustability.

“Pricing: The other guy must be a Sundance dealer... The Optima can be bought for $7,200 so your price is about average on that unit (not great as others here have posted).”
     Nope, I just think the Jacuzzi Premium is inferior to the Sundance.  In my area, the Sundance Optima retails over $8,000.

“Why spend the extra $'s?”
That is for you to decide.


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2004, 09:11:18 am »
it is true what bethshar mentioned.....you will feel worse if the optima is what you really want and you settle for the Jacuzzi....the 1000.00 will be money well spent if it is what you really want...and over the life of the spa it is not the much 10 years at a hundred $ a year = 8 dollars a month....if you feel you would be just as satisfied and enjoy it just as much than go with the Jacuzzi.......just do not settle and regret it later.....
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 09:16:53 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2004, 09:39:43 am »
On the 50amp./heater issue, I don't find it to be much of an issue.  
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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2004, 10:09:35 am »
We own a J-375 and love it.  Had it about 4 weeks now and couldn't be happier.  I have no reason to bash any other brand but our decision was between a HS Grandee and the Jacuzzi.  As first time tub owners maybe we are too stupid to know some of the finer differences but our water is clear and the therapy is great.  We love the jets, the diverters, the lights and waterfalls, and we saved almost $2000 by going with the Jacuzzi.  It comes down to what you feel best in and feel most comfortable spending.  Our original budget was around $7000 and as we found ourselves creeping upward, we had to back off and decide what would best suit our needs.  Regardless of the previous Jacuzzi bashing post, I do not think you would regret the purchase.  There are MANY Optima owners on this site so you will get many great reviews of that spa but there are other viable choices for you as well.  Good luck!


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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2004, 05:12:10 pm »
get a hotspring... ;D ;)

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Re: down to - optima vs. j-375
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2004, 05:12:10 pm »


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