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Some things I'd consider:What is the job market like for you and your spouse (if applicable) in your current area vs Denver? Â Say you do pull up roots and move, and the new job doesn't work out so well. Â Would it be easier to get a new job here if you current employer goes under, or in the Denver area? What type work do you do, if you don't mind sharing.What is the cost of living difference where you are now vs Denver? Â In the area I live, real estate is relatively expensive- and taxes are relatively high. Â I'm willing to be you can get a lot more house for the money in central Indiana than you can in this region. Â You'd probably need a 20K raise just stay above water moving from where you live to here- how about Denver?If it is a financially "backwards" move, are you truly prepared for that? Â Do you have sufficient cash on hand if necessary? Â What is the real estate market like in your area now, if you have to sell your home, how far in advance of the move would you need to list the property, and what would happen if your home sold really quickly and the new owner wanted quick possession? Â What if your property doesn't sell quickly- how flexible would your current or potential new employer be? Â Could you afford to move to Denver if you had to accept that position and start but your existing home hasn't sold yet?Does this new employer offer any re-location assistance?Those are all things I'd be mulling over if I was in your shoes. Â But I tend to worry about that kind of stuff, probalby too much. Â I would probalby have made a rotten pioneer.What ever you chose to do, best of luck. Â
r100rs- sounds like you have really thought this out, and have your bases covered. If your family is on board with the decision, maybe this is the right time to open up a new chapter in your lives.Besides If you do chose to re-locate, you can always hook up with spaman, and go on a crusade to make sure that only spas that are correctly listed with a recognized, independent testing organization are sold in the Denver area. Â
That being said, my freind just loves it. Â He tells me that he never feels like he has to travel to go on vacation becuase he is living in it. Â
Update - I was offered the job in DEN, with a start of the first week of Feb. Â I accepted and provided all the required other paperwork comes back satisfactorily (which it should), I'll be working in DEN and commuting to IND. Not on a daily basis!!!Wish me luck as it will be a rough couple of years.r100rs