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Author Topic: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.  (Read 21738 times)


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2018, 05:21:49 pm »
He 100% claimed that. If you look through his threads you will notice he only keeps comments active for 6 months. There is no comments in his buyers guide older then 6 months. I haven’t been on his site in a bit until last night trying to find the thread. I also see he longer like Marquis Spas. I can’t find his video anywhere on his site explaining his reasoning though.

He claims somewhere in a response to an enquiry they are off of his good list now because of build quality. Read it the other day.

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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2018, 05:21:49 pm »


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2018, 05:23:08 pm »
Did not read the whole thread lol what he said above lol


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2018, 05:30:39 pm »
Who cares. The world does not revolve around Chris at his Hot Tub University.


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2018, 02:42:19 am »
I wish I had time to type as much as some of you.

In my opinion Master Spas is mediocre at best. Want facts? I've been doing this for over 30 years. That's the only fact you get. I've seen thousands of tubs and a ton of them Master. Take it or leave it, I don't care.

Well said (I typed even less).


Not a lot of words needed.
Some on forums from around the industry, business or service side garner a lot of respect in my view and I 'file' a lot of those nuggets of wisdom or experience into my learning or making decisions.
I also know not everyone who touts being around the biz for 30 or 40 years is necessarily a straight-shooter with unbiased advice. Some can just plain be wrong about a lot of things, even intentionally misleading. *Just noted a comment about a person who erases their comment history after a few months. Now there's a person who knows they can't stand by their word and probably changes their story every few weeks. Brilliant ! Maybe I've got it wrong though, I didn't investigate further.  :)

I do feel most of us have our own 'meter' , radar or tolerance for such people though. If nothing else, they are mostly the reason I DO respect many of you professionals. 👍


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2018, 02:54:02 am »
Who cares. The world does not revolve around Chris at his Hot Tub University.

Also, It's so easy to pick apart something when somebody got a bad one out of the box or there was a flaw in a production run if that's even the case. These things go over the road many, many, miles and can be loaded, unloaded many times before getting to the end user or even the store. who knows how well they are handled?
Sure, it makes sense they'd be handled with care but the build quality can't always make up for extraneous factors or exceptions to the norms.

Michael Russell

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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2018, 01:41:15 pm »
My Marquis (Epic) was delivered about a month ago. Only minor issue was the conduit in the tub for wiring did not quite line up with the grommet hole. Easy fix had the cover lifter not been installed already. Really not an issue at all, it only became an issue as the cover lifter prevented me from removing the panel that would allow me to adjust it. No leaks or water loss beyond evaporation that I am aware of. A friend also bought the Epic a month before me.. Same goes. Issue free.

Been waiting for Chris' video on Marquis to see what he has to say. Since his post that Marquis is bad he has also told people to go with Marquis..

So much of this is opinion based.. As with car, mechanics have brands they love and hate. Ones they would not be caught dead in and others they cannot be with out. I am sure Hot Tub Techs are much the same. There experience has led them to a particular opinion on certain brands and models. 


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2018, 02:21:36 pm »
My Marquis (Epic) was delivered about a month ago. Only minor issue was the conduit in the tub for wiring did not quite line up with the grommet hole. Easy fix had the cover lifter not been installed already. Really not an issue at all, it only became an issue as the cover lifter prevented me from removing the panel that would allow me to adjust it. No leaks or water loss beyond evaporation that I am aware of. A friend also bought the Epic a month before me.. Same goes. Issue free.

Been waiting for Chris' video on Marquis to see what he has to say. Since his post that Marquis is bad he has also told people to go with Marquis..

So much of this is opinion based.. As with car, mechanics have brands they love and hate. Ones they would not be caught dead in and others they cannot be with out. I am sure Hot Tub Techs are much the same. There experience has led them to a particular opinion on certain brands and models.

You are correct. Nobody is 100% perfect all the time. I have gotten new tubs from different manufacturers that have issues on startup. They are few and far between

Michael Russell

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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #52 on: November 20, 2018, 03:14:33 pm »
Quite honestly the way I look at it...

When I call for support or drop off my vehicle for warranty repair, this is the opportunity for the manufacturer or dealer to earn there money and earn my loyalty. Or conversely for me to bad mouth and trash talk them. Every manufacturer will have problems off the line. If its a systemic problem you will hear about it... Else its just business and failures happen. Its all how they handle it afterwards.

Before buying Marquis.. As HTU Chris likes to say there is no after market support from Marquis, I picked up the phone and made a call as if I had a tub and had problems. Within a couple minutes I had a support guy on the phone who was quite willing to put me in touch with a local dealer for support.

I also emailed there general inquires line with questions about the tub and how they are different from all the rest. Again within the day I had a call back from the District Sales Manager (or something alone those lines) who quite willing spent 20 minutes on the phone with me answer questions about his tub and many other brands.. All while maintaining a positive attitude and no trash talk.

Chris at HTU.... He seems to really know his stuff. But more so he really seems to know his sales and sales of the brand. There were several points in watching his video's I was left scratching my head. One that comes to mind is his review of the Arctic Brand, using a several year old Arctic swim spa as his example. Kind of like reviewing a Ford that has been traded in as the owner had problems and stating factually that all the problems with the Ford effect the current models being sold several years later.

I like what Chris has done. he educated me into some of the key components to look for and things to avoid. Don't let this fool you however, he is there to sell tubs. I can only believe that he is further getting kick back from Master, if not the Master dealers that he makes referrals to.   

Just my 2 cents.. For what there worth..


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2018, 04:33:02 pm »
half the buyers in North America come to me for advice before they buy a hot tub and my recommendation will affect where nearly a billion US dollars go this season

Really Chris?


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2018, 05:06:52 pm »
half the buyers in North America come to me for advice before they buy a hot tub and my recommendation will affect where nearly a billion US dollars go this season

Really Chris?

That's pretty rich all right.  Kinda hard to defend that one.


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #55 on: November 20, 2018, 05:27:10 pm »
If he searches hits on his name, he'll soon see the mentions on forums and just might get the ego conditioning needed.... lol.

As with my 13 year old hand-me-down hot tub... it seems solid, looks great and aside from the new heater, may not have had any "bigger ticket" service needs or history. ($130 part and my 20 minutes time)
I got a few papers with it so I presume the owner tracked things pretty well including hand written notes in the o manual.

I had a few questions when it first landed and called Marquis once getting some answers and two other occasions emailing them on other things. All contact was addressed immediately and helpful insights offered. I simply got the attention I expect from any company that earns or deserves good marks.

If I were to guess, the only defense HTU might have in sending out a few digs about 'support' in a broad generational would be IF they (Marquis) don't have a huge number of brick n mortar stores/dealers in every major city. Even then, that doesn't define poor service or support in my book.
I read time and time again they have good market share and seem a respected name if not often recommended with a few other tier names to be considered by those "in the know".
Parts and service sound genuinely universal or easy to find so there isn't much for me to lose sleep over.

Seen a negative review on Master tubs on a site the other day and it was mostly a complaint that the electrical hook up costs and maint of the tub chemicals were way more than they were lead to believe. Maybe it was sales person glossing over a few things but I really had to laugh at someone who spends that kind of money doing zero homework or research on it. Too bad any brand takes a hit on a review for something like that.

It made me realize I'd still steer people to HTU for a good overview and just warn them to not take the branding info too much as gospel and at the very least, shop, compare or consider 3 - 5 brands other than CHRISHTUMASTER.


« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 05:06:57 pm by bachman »


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2018, 12:53:48 am »
If your not careful, you'll go from wanting a hot tub to Needing a hot tub !! lol
Been up and running since Oct 28th - loving it !!

Much funnier than I think originally intended, I LOL'd


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #57 on: November 27, 2018, 07:20:31 pm »
half the buyers in North America come to me for advice before they buy a hot tub and my recommendation will affect where nearly a billion US dollars go this season

Really Chris?

I wish he would come here so I can chew him up and spit him out.


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2018, 11:10:00 pm »
half the buyers in North America come to me for advice before they buy a hot tub and my recommendation will affect where nearly a billion US dollars go this season

Really Chris?

That's pretty rich all right.  Kinda hard to defend that one.

Its all indefensible if its an unbiased opinion you're looking for rather than a veiled marketing ploy.

His videos are the equivalent of Ronald Popeil on one of his infomercials telling us about his latest "revolutionary" product (no offense intended to Ron of course)!

220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2018, 05:41:53 am »
Two takeaways from Chris's website info.

Proprietary controls. Don't buy a spa without Balboa/Gecko controls. From my research, all of the top spa manufactures by volume use proprietary controls including Hot Springs, Caldera, Jacuzzi, Arctic, D-1, Sundance ect. Discounting the worlds best hot tub manufacture's is not sound purchasing advise.

Circulation pump is a waste of money. If you have a Ozone generator, I am sure it will be more effective with one. I was specifically  looking for a spa with cir pump and ozonator. (bromine)

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Re: Hot Spring Sold by Pioneer Pools Toronto Area Help.
« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2018, 05:41:53 am »


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