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Author Topic: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets  (Read 7175 times)


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I haven't seen this topic covered recently on the forum and didn't find much information here when I began my search.

Information may be useful to those who have broken jets or want to change the hydrotherapy options on their tub.

I broke one of the neck jets recently on my MAAX Elite 7500 tub.  It kept popping out, and I figured I might be able to flex the plastic tabs a little to get a snugger fit. WRONG. The slightest bit of pressure and the tab snapped right off.

I went straight to the internet where I found very little information on my jets.

Eventually I was able to determine that the jets in my tub are made by a company called CMP and the jets are Wave Collection Typhoon Jets. My tub has:
4 - 2"
4 - 3 5/8" (size I broke)
9 - 4" 3/8"
17 - 5"
Still not a lot of information available, but easy enough to go to the CMP web site and start looking by part number.
What I found is that some of these jets are just not for sale on the open market on the internet, pretty amazing in 2014!

I was able to find a couple sites that have parts, and even most of those did not have a good selection or the specific stainless ones that match my tub.

Then I can across a site hot tub warehouse.  They still don't have all the exact jets but have by far the best selection.

Also it's clear from their site that these CMP Wave Jets are directly compatible with the more common Waterways jets.

Really exciting to find a number of new types of jets that can fit in the tub.

So I ordered a variety of different jet types to see what I might like in addition to what I have already.  I also ordered both CMP and Waterways jets to test the compatibility.

Lessons learned:
- Replacement jets are called Jet Internals
- Can be difficult to find the exact jets
- CMP and Waterways Jets are interchangeable
- You can completely alter your tub jet functions and configuration inexpensively
- Just because jets are in the same "series" doesn't mean they are exactly the same. You need to measure the face of the jet to make sure you are getting the right size, this is the 3" vs 3 5/16"
- Waterways web site makes an effort to describe the effects of the different jet types

Just got the box of jets in today and can't wait to check them out over the weekend.
Looking at the jets it seems pretty clear that they are not the same manufacturer, which would not have surprised me.
Hard to describe but the Waterways jets have a cheaper feel to them overall in my hand.
The Waterways do seem to have much more robust tabs though. I doubt I would have a problem with one of these popping out and it looks rigid so I would never have tried to flex one of these.

I'll give them a try over the weekend and post some feedback to this thread.

A question for the hot tub gurus here on wtbht:
Are there any other considerations on swapping out jet types between different seats, etc?

I didn't see anything that would have indicated I could have an issue using different types of jets from different manufacturers.  I've moved same sized jets around in my tub before and haven't noticed a problem.

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Re: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2018, 10:48:42 am »
Ran across this old post while browsing.  Too bad the OP didn't follow up.

Anyone have an opinion as to whether CMP or Waterway is better?


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Re: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2018, 03:20:14 am »
Glad that got bumped.
I know zip about the jets other than I've heard many tubs use jets that can be moved to effect the type of water/massage action one prefers at various points on the body.
I also recall HTU- Chris mentioning waterway brand specifically as part of his pitch on quality parts and key build areas where the brands that get it right don't cut corners on the 6 or 7 areas of importance. I would not be at all surprised there are numerous good brands of jets though and much of what I viewed and heard on HTU is taken with some faith.

I've heard the term 'geyser jets' as related to newer Marquis tubs and wonder how my 2005 tub compares or differs in the type of jets versus newer. My manual uses different terms but possibly, the jets are very similar to the newer/new tubs. 
I've noticed many of the newer tubs have jets with a bright chrome ring around the face although that in itself isn't likely a 'quality issue' just more notable appearance or distinction by brand of jets.

The person we got our tub from did say some of the jets needed replacement (I assume the inner part), yet thus far, I find them all to be working fine. I'm wondering if the adjustable outer ring that controls flow or even shuts off flow was in some cases just positioned "off".
I spotted some jets for the early 2000 - 05 of Marquis online but didn't note the brand. I think they were a Marquis part # though.

Now I see sales of parts mentioning the brands Marquis has used.... Waterway, Pentair and CMP. I'm encouraged by the available options and reasonable costs.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 04:26:57 am by bachman »


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Re: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2018, 04:45:30 pm »
I don't think there is a quality different between CMP, I have used both. I do think Waterway has jets that are high end, middle of the road and value. CMP falls in the middle.

Replacing jet bodies isn't all that hard if you've done it. Some tubs are more difficult and others less difficult. Location is the biggest difficulty factor. Most inserts are not compatible with other brands bodies. Waterway has a few lines that are interchangeable. There's 1000's of different styles.


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Re: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2018, 01:37:50 am »
I don't think there is a quality different between CMP, I have used both. I do think Waterway has jets that are high end, middle of the road and value. CMP falls in the middle.

Replacing jet bodies isn't all that hard if you've done it. Some tubs are more difficult and others less difficult. Location is the biggest difficulty factor. Most inserts are not compatible with other brands bodies. Waterway has a few lines that are interchangeable. There's 1000's of different styles.

Reminded that I was thinking how handy it would be for a cross ref list if such a thing. Compatibility or fit being an issue, I can imagine ordering the innards or even the entire jet can mean some confusion or returns.

'Brick and mortar' stores are almost always my choice when taking in a part to view or match up a replacement. Seeing the shape of the inner part where it snaps in or attaches would be a confident advantage. Then again, a Marquis dealer in town would be helpful too! 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Replacement Jets / Alternate Jets / Change Hydrotherapy Jets
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2018, 01:37:50 am »


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